PSI students interacting

What to Include in your Reference Letter

We ask that referees take into consideration the following questions when submitting a reference letter.

1. Please compare the candidate with other students you have encountered at a similar level. Describe the group with which you are comparing the candidate:  

2. Please elaborate below on the candidate’s abilities and motivation. We ask that you consider the following aspects in your evaluation:

  • the candidate’s ability to find creative and innovative solutions to problems,
  • the candidate’s curiosity about topics in theoretical physics,
  • the candidate’s ability to quickly learn new and difficult concepts,
  • the candidate’s ability to deeply understand concepts they have learned,
  • the candidate’s tenacity and determination when approaching difficult problems,
  • the candidate’s self-motivation and ambition,
  • the candidate’s work ethic,
  • the candidate’s ability to work independently.

3. Please elaborate below on the candidate’s group collaboration skills and commitment to EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion). We ask that you consider the following aspects in your evaluation:

  •  the candidate’s ability to work collaboratively on problems,
  •  the candidate’s ability to listen to and appreciate others’ points of view,
  •  the candidate’s ability to accept constructive criticism and guidance in their work,
  •  the candidate’s ability to convey their understanding to colleagues and help them understand,
  •  the candidate’s understanding of the importance of EDI in research and learning environments,
  •  the candidate’s commitment to improving EDI practices in their research and learning environments.