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The research internship requires a minimum 12-week commitment, within the dates May 5 to August 15, 2025. The exact dates will be set according to the supervisor and student's availability.   Interns who are unable to travel to Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada for the entire period may participate online for up to two (2) weeks of their internship.

Important note: University of Waterloo applicants enrolled in 3B in any program in the Department of Physics and Astronomy will be considered for the Mike Lazaridis Scholarship in Theoretical Physics

For more information please visit the FAQ section.

Examples of past research internship projects

Computational Physics
  • Solving the portfolio optimization problem with quantum algorithms, physics-inspired and machine learning algorithms
  • Sparse grids
  • Twinned machine learning algorithms
  • Comparing quantum gravity theories on cosmological spacetimes
  • Constraining fundamental physics with cosmological data and machine learning
  • Cross-correlation between stochastic gravitational wave background and other cosmological backgrounds
  • Developing tools for future galaxy surveys: validating models for cosmological structure in curved universes
  • The optimized scheme for cross-correlating pair statistics of discrete tracers of dark matter
  • Universe with a thermal origin
Geometry and Algebraic Geometry
  • Geometry of flag configuration
Mathematical Physics
  • Resolving time travel paradoxes
Quantum Fields and Strings
  • Entanglement in two-dimensional gauge theory
  • Matrix models and emergent geometry
Quantum Foundations
  • Applications of automated symmetry decomposition: quantum chemistry, quantum causality
  • Automating the decomposition of group representations
  • Possibilistic quantum causal inference
  • Resolving time travel paradoxes
  • Was Dirac right when he said that interference between two different photons never occurs?
Quantum Gravity
  • Comparing quantum gravity theories on cosmological spacetimes
  • Conformal boundary conditions in the CS formulation of three-dimensional gravity
  • How realistic are warp drives?
Quantum Information
  • Deriving statistics inequalities from measuring quantum states
  • Implementing an encoded non-Clifford gate on quantum hardware
  • Out-of-time-order-correlators as an indicator of chaos?
  • Quantum many-body physics on quantum hardware
  • Understanding the chirality of quantum states
Quantum Matter
  • Identifying topological order using unsupervised machine learning
  • Quantum many-body physics on quantum hardware
  • Range of entanglement in spin chains
  • Solving the portfolio optimization problem with quantum algorithms, physics-inspired and machine learning algorithms
Strong Gravity
  • How realistic are warp drives?
  • Resolving time travel paradoxes
  • Spacetime algebra for numerical relativity
  • Sparse grids
  • Tidal effects for compact objects in scalar-tensor theories

The PSI Start program is supported by Michael Serbinis and Laura Adams.