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Particle physics originated from the idea of dissecting matter in the most elementary of constituents. Ancient Greeks called them the atoms. In the past century, science has revealed a deeper, smaller realm, called the Standard Model: three families of fermions and four fundamental interactions that make up all we see around us. A key part of the Standard Model is the Higgs boson, which was observed in 2012.

But there are still questions to be answered beyond the Standard Model. It only describes five percent of the known universe; the other 95 percent is still unknown and is in the form of what we call “dark matter” and “dark energy”. And there are still questions within the Standard Model itself. What provides for the hierarchy of masses between families? Why, at the small scale, is gravity so weak compared to the other forces of nature?

These are some of the questions particle physicists at PI are trying to address. Their work has great overlap with astrophysics and cosmology. Besides pursuing new theoretical directions, they also design new experiments that promise to shed light on these questions. These experiments range from dark-matter and hidden-sector searches at particle colliders and underground facilities, to new techniques for table-top experiments seeking to detect new forces and gravitational waves.

Tracks of many particles emerging from the collision of two protons like an asterisk
Tracks of many particles emerging from the collision of two protons © CERN


Particle physics researchers

  • Marcela Carena

    Research Faculty
    Office of Executive Leadership

    Executive Director
    Particle Physics
  • Asimina Arvanitaki profile picture

    Asimina Arvanitaki

    Research Faculty
    Perimeter Research Chair

    Stavros Niarchos Foundation Aristarchus Chair in Theoretical Physics
    Particle Physics
  • Junwu Parham picture

    Junwu Huang

    Research Faculty

    Particle Physics
  • Asimina Arvanitaki profile picture

    Asimina Arvanitaki

    Research Faculty
    Perimeter Research Chair

    Stavros Niarchos Foundation Aristarchus Chair in Theoretical Physics
    Particle Physics
  • Savas Dimopoulos profile picture

    Savas Dimopoulos

    Perimeter Research Chair (Visiting)

    Coril Holdings Archimedes Chair in Theoretical Physics (Visiting)
    Particle Physics
  • Cliff Burgess profile picture

    Cliff Burgess

    Research Associate Faculty

    Particle Physics
  • Sergey Sibiryakov profile picture

    Sergey Sibiryakov

    Research Associate Faculty

    Particle Physics
  • John Moffat profile picture

    John Moffat

    Research Associate

    Senior Research Affiliate
    Particle Physics
    Quantum Gravity
    Strong Gravity
  • Marco Costa

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    Particle Physics