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Research areas

Tackling the “big questions” of the universe: What is it made of? How did it begin? How will it end?

Mathematical physics
New problems in physics give rise to new mathematics to solve them.

Particle physics
The study of nature’s constituents and interactions at the most fundamental level.

Quantum fields and strings
Our most powerful theoretical framework describes elementary particle interactions, many-body systems dynamics, and critical phenomena.

Quantum foundations
Refining and reformulating the conceptual and mathematical underpinnings of quantum theory.

Quantum gravity
The quest to unify the disparate realms of quantum theory and general relativity.

Quantum information
Exploring and utilizing the unique quantum laws such as the uncertainty principle, quantum error correction, and quantum complexity.

Quantum matter
The behaviour of systems with many particles can be very different from that of the particles that make it up.

Strong gravity
Areas of space where gravity is extremely strong can serve as a natural testing ground for gravitational theories.
Spotlight on research
Perimeter creates special research initiatives aimed at further developing new ideas. These initiatives are strategically chosen and run for defined periods.
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Research Resources
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PIRSA is a permanent, free, searchable, and citable archive of recorded seminars from relevant bodies in physics.

A single site that enables users to find scientific talks from many institutions using a meta-repository search tool.

arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for scholarly articles in many fields.