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A spectacular celebration of the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s annus mirabilis – “miracle year” – of 1905 when, at the age of twenty-six, he published several groundbreaking ideas that led physics—and thereby, the world—into the modern era.


September 30-October 23, 2005

And so it is over: 24 days, 38 lectures, 21 concerts and performances. From wireless to the Wright brothers, fashion to philosophy, jazz to Judaism, Einsteinfest dug deep into a wide spectrum of human activity sparked by the 1905 era and was met with a resounding, thundering response that was beyond my wildest dreams or expectations.

Attendance at Einsteinfest topped 28,000 in three weeks, with people sometimes queuing up in the rain and cold to grab hold of a precious few tickets to lectures on special relativity or superstring theory.

Over 175 dedicated volunteers efficiently guided the inquiring visitors towards ticket booths, science demonstrations, exhibits and other destinations throughout Perimeter.