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PIRSA ID: 22050000

Série :

Event Type: Seminar

Domaine(s) scientifique(s) : Particle Physics

Date de fin : 2022-05-03

Speaker(s): Jesse Liu University of Cambridge

Muons are the archetypal ‘who ordered that?’ surprise discovered in cosmic rays and fittingly, recent muon measurements including g–2 could be challenging standard paradigms again. Remarkably, tau g–2 remains poorly constrained but can be 280 times more sensitive to new physics than the muon. Recently, ATLAS and CMS announced groundbreaking measurements of tau g–2 using the landmark observation of tau pairs created via photon collisions in LHC heavy-ion data. Beyond colliders, quantum sensing progress enables next-generation haloscopes to illuminate axion-like origins of dark matter above microwave frequencies. This motivates the Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection (BREAD) proposal at Fermilab and its interdisciplinary science program bridging astronomy, particle physics, and quantum technology.

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