Torus spectra and entanglement entropy in (2+1)-dimensional conformal field theories

PIRSA ID: 18010087
Série : Quantum Matter
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Quantum Matter
Date de fin :
  • Seth Whitsitt, Harvard University

Finite-size spectra and entanglement both characterize nonlocal physics of quantum systems, and are universal properties of a CFT. I discuss the energy spectrum of the Wilson-Fisher CFT on the torus in the epsilon and 1/N expansions. I also consider a class of deconfined quantum critical points where the torus spectrum contains signatures of proximate Z2 topological order. Finally, I compute the entanglement entropy of the Wilson-Fisher and Gross-Neveu CFTs in the large N limit, where an exact mapping to free field entanglement is obtained. Comparison is made with numerics.