Bootstrapping Matrix Quantum Mechanics

PIRSA ID: 20090013
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Quantum Fields and Strings
Date de fin :
  • Xizhi Han, Stanford University

Abstract: Large N matrix quantum mechanics are central to holographic duality but not solvable in the most interesting cases. We show that the spectrum and simple expectation values in these theories can be obtained numerically via a `bootstrap' methodology. In this approach, operator expectation values are related by symmetries -- such as time translation and SU(N) gauge invariance -- and then bounded with certain positivity constraints. We first demonstrate how this method efficiently solves the conventional quantum anharmonic oscillator. We then reproduce the known solution of large N single matrix quantum mechanics. Finally, we present new results on the ground state of large N two matrix quantum mechanics.