Stochasticity and Axion Direct Detection

PIRSA ID: 20090005
Série : Particle Physics
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Particle Physics
Date de fin :
  • Matthew Moschella, Princeton University

The ultralight axion-like particle remains a compelling dark matter candidate. If such a particle constitutes dark matter, it will generate a classical field that oscillates at the compton frequency but with an amplitude that fluctuates stochastically on large timescales. For experiments with total integration time less than the coherence timescale, this stochastic behavior can have an order-of-magnitude effect on the sensitivity. Although this is well-understood for the case of experiments sensitive to the axion field itself, until now, it has not been worked out carefully for the case of experiments sensitive to the gradient of the axion field. In this talk, I will present the first full treatment of the stochastic axion field gradient and will discuss some implications for experiments such as CASPEr and K-He comagnetometers.

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