The quasi-local degrees of freedom of Yang-Mills theory

PIRSA ID: 20030116
Série : Quantum Gravity
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Quantum Gravity
Date de fin :
  • Aldo Riello

Gauge theories possess nonlocal features that, in the presence of boundaries, inevitably lead to subtleties. In particular their fundamental degrees of freedom are not point-like. This leads to a non-trivial cutting (C) and sewing (S) problem: 
(C) Which gauge invariant degrees of freedom are associated to a region with boundaries? 
(S) Do the gauge invariant degrees of freedom in two complementary regions R and R’ unambiguously comprise *all* the gauge-invariant degrees of freedom in M = R ∪ R’ ? Or, do new “boundary degrees of freedom” need to be introduced at the interface S = R ∩ R’ ?
In this talk, I will address and answer these questions in the context of Yang-Mills theory. The analysis is carried out at the level of the symplectic structure of the theory, i.e. for linear perturbations over arbitrary backgrounds. I will also discuss how the ensuing results translate into a quasilocal derivation of the superselection of the electric flux through the boundary of a region, and into a novel gluing formula which constructively proves that no ambiguity exists in the gluing of regional gauge-fixed configurations.
Time allowing I will also address how the formalism generalizes the “Dirac dressing” of charged matter fields, and how, in the presence of matter, quasi-local “global” charges (as opposed to gauge charges) emerge at special (i.e. reducible) configurations.

This talk is based on arXiv:1910.04222, with H. Gomes (U. of Cambridge, UK).
See also arXiv:1808.02074, with H. Gomes and F. Hopfmüller (Perimeter)