The Second Mission of Supersymmetry: Miracles in Uncharted Waters

PIRSA ID: 20030014
Série : Colloquium
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Date de fin :
  • Mikhail Shifman, University of Minnesota

In our four-dimensional world supersymmetry is the only extension of the classical Poincaré invariance which laid the foundation of modern physics in the beginning of the 20th century. Supersymmetry, a new geometric symmetry extending Poincaré, was discovered in 1970 –– it was overlooked for decades because of its quantum nature. In the next 10 years or so supersymmetry 

assumed the role of a universal framework in which new models for natural phenomena and regularities (e.g. the concept of naturalness) have been developed. It gave rise to a powerful stream of theoretical phenomenology.


The fact that LHC at CERN produced no evidence for low-energy supersymmetry (and naturalness as well) was a powerful blow. However, despite its absence in experiments the less known second mission of supersymmetry is highly successful, with remarkable advances occurring on a regular basis. Supersymmetry proved its power and uniqueness for those who address hard questions in strongly coupled field theories, including Yang-Mills. Some supersymmetry-based exact results obtained in four dimensions are the main topics of my talk. In the past one could hardly dream that such results are possible.