Scalar gauge theories and Dark Matter

PIRSA ID: 20010088
Série : Particle Physics
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Particle Physics
Date de fin :
  • Dario Buttazzo, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa

I will consider simple scalar gauge theories with one scalar field in a low-dimensional representation of a gauge group. The renormalizable action often has accidental symmetries that lead to one or more stable states, providing Dark Matter candidates. The gauge group can confine, or be spontaneously broken by the scalar field: I will discuss the spectrum and symmetries in both cases, focusing in particular on possible dualities between the Higgs and confined phases. I will then discuss the Dark Matter phenomenology in a few illustrative cases, showing that the thermal relic abundance can reproduce the cosmological value for masses around 100 TeV.