Black Hole Entropy from Soft Hair

PIRSA ID: 19100078
Série : Colloquium
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Quantum Fields and Strings
Date de fin :
  • Malcolm Perry, University of Cambridge

Black Hole Entropy is a well established concept and arises naturally once one realises that black holes are characterised by a temperature. Boltzmann established that entropy can be regarded as the logarithm of the density of states function. However, black hole uniqueness theorems appeared to indicate that black holes have no hair. I will describe a loophole in the no-hair theorems and how black holes can have an infinite set of charges related to "large" gauge transformations. I will then use these ideas to show that on sections of the horizon there is a holographic conformal field theory. The temperature of this conformal theory means that it has a statistical entropy that reproduces the Hawking formula. The implications of this for the black hole information paradox will be briefly described.