Evaporating Black-to-White Hole

PIRSA ID: 19100054
Série : Quantum Gravity
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Quantum Gravity
Date de fin :
  • Pierre Martin-Dussaud, Aix-Marseille University

What is the ultimate fate of black holes? Since the discovery of Hawking evaporation process, the issue has been much discussed. Loop quantum gravity suggests that black hole could ultimately turn into white holes. In this talk, we investigate several possible mixed scenario where black holes first evaporate to a Planckian size before tunnelling to white holes. We build various spacetime models, taking Hawking backreaction into account, and we discuss some aspects of the expected phenomenology. Finally, we will draw the path for a full LQG amplitude computation that could lead to observational predictions.