Axion production and detection with superconducting RF cavities

PIRSA ID: 19070001
Série : Particle Physics
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Particle Physics
Date de fin :
  • Vijay Narayan, University of California

We propose a novel design of a laboratory search for axions based on photon regeneration with superconducting RF cavities. Our particular setup uses a toroid as a region of confined static magnetic field, while production and detection cavities are positioned in regions of vanishing external field. This permits cavity operation at quality factors of Q ~ 10¹⁰ - 10¹². The limitations due to fundamental issues such as signal screening and back-reaction are discussed, and the optimal sensitivity is calculated. This experimental design can potentially probe axion-photon couplings beyond astrophysical limits, comparable and complementary to next generation optical experiments.