PIRSA ID: https://pirsa.org/24110085
Série :
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) : Quantum Information
Speaker(s): Gregory Bentsen Brandeis University
Event Link: https://events.perimeterinstitute.ca/e/884
Abstract: Randomness is a powerful resource for information-processing applications. For example, classical randomness is essential for modern information security and underpins many cryptographic schemes. Similarly, quantum randomness can protect quantum information against noise or eavesdroppers who wish to access or manipulate that information. These observations raise a set of related questions: How quickly and efficiently can we generate quantum randomness? How much quantum randomness is necessary for a given task? What can we use quantum randomness for? In this talk, I address these questions using all-to-all Brownian circuits, a family of random quantum circuits for which exact results can often be obtained via mean-field theory. I will first demonstrate that all-to-all Brownian circuits form k-designs in a time that scales linearly with k. I will then discuss how these circuits can be applied to study Heisenberg-limited metrology and quantum advantage. In particular, I will discuss a time-reversal protocol that can achieve Heisenberg-limited precision in cavity QED and trapped ion setups; I will also discuss the application of these circuits to studying classical spoofing algorithms for the linear cross-entropy benchmark, a popular measure of quantum advantage.