Universal aspects of decohered and dissipative quantum many-body systems

PIRSA ID: 24050057
Série : Colloquium
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Date de fin :

Ground states as well as Gibbs states of many-body quantum Hamiltonians have been studied extensively since the inception of quantum mechanics. In contrast, the landscape of many-body quantum states that are not in thermal equilibrium is relatively less explored. In this talk I will discuss some of the recent progress in understanding decohered or dissipative quantum many-body states. One of the key ideas I will employ is that of "separability", i.e., whether a mixed state can be expressed as an ensemble of short-range entangled pure states. I will discuss several quantum phase transitions in topological phases of matter subjected to Markovian environmental noise from a separability viewpoint, and argue that such a framework also subsumes our understanding of pure quantum states as well as Gibbs states. Time permitting, I will also provide a brief overview of quantum spin-systems subjected to non-Markovian noise originating from an electronic bath, and discuss a new critical phase of matter where quantum coherence coexists with dissipation.

References: 2307.13889, 2309.11879, 2310.07286


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