Young Loops and Foams 08

Event Type: Conference
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Quantum Gravity
Date de fin :

This workshop is supposed to be highly focused on two of the main approaches to quantum gravity: canonical loop quantum gravity and spin foam models.

Canonical loop quantum gravity and the spin foam approach are often seen as two complementary sides of the same theory: the latter covariantly encoding the dynamics of the former. There is much evidence for this conjecture and recent work has refocused attention on their precise relationship.

Moreover, increasing resources are being channeled into extracting the semi-classical properties of these theories, both as consistency checks and as hope rises that non-trivial effects may be predicted/detected at relatively low energies.

Both these topics invoke highly technical tools, and it is evidently beneficial to assemble a small group of active researchers with the common goal to understand the importance of these issues and to endeavour to solve the remaining problems.



First Name   Last Name   Affiliation
Fernando  Barbero CSIC 
Dario  Benedetti Perimeter Institute 
Dan  Christensen Univ. of Western Ontario
Florian  Conrady Perimeter Institute 
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute 
Jonathan  Engle CPT Marseille
Laurent  Freidel  Perimeter Institute
Kristina  Giesel Max Planck Institute 
Jerzy Lewandowski University of Warsaw
Etera  Livine ENS Lyon
Gulliermo Mena-Marugan  CSIC 
Catherine Meusburger Perimeter Institute 
Robert  Oeckl UNAM Morelia 
Alejandro  Perez CPT Marseille 
James  Ryan Perimeter Institute 
Hanno Sahlmann University of Utrecht
Parampreet Singh Perimeter Institute 
Simone Speziale Perimeter Institute
Danny Terno Macquarie University 
Thomas  Thiemann Max Planck Institute & PI
Jose Zapata UNAM Morelia