Fundamental Physics and Large Scale Structures

Event Type: Conference
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Date de fin :

The distribution of the large scale structure of the universe is the next great cosmological data set, following the Cosmic Microwave Background. It will allow us to study in remarkable detail the initial spectrum of fluctuations and the gravitational physics that governs both the homogeneous evolution of the universe as a whole and the local growth of inhomogeneities.

This workshop will focus on the near-future and long term prospects for learning fundamental physics from large scale structure, especially through statistics of the initial curvature fluctuations and tests of general relativity in the history of structure growth.



Tzu-Ching Chang, CITA
Paolo Creminelli, ICTP Trieste
Michael Gladders, University of Chicago
Chris Hirata, California Institute of Technology
Gil Holder, McGill University
Wayne Hu, University of Chicago
Lam Hui, Columbia University
Dragan Huterer, University of Michigan
Bhuvnesh Jain, University of Pennsylvania
Eiichiro Komatsu, University of Texas
Jeffrey Newman, University of Pittsburgh
Alberto Nicolis, Columbia University
Ue-Li Pen, CITA
Fabian Schmidt, California Institute of Technology
Roman Scoccimarro, New York University
Suzanne Staggs, Princeton University
Anze Slosar, Brookhaven National Laboratory
James Taylor, University of Waterloo
Hy Trac, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Alexey Vikhlinin, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Pengjie Zhang, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory