Melonic field theories

PIRSA ID: 21020020
Série : Quantum Gravity
Event Type: Seminar
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) :
Quantum Gravity
Date de fin :
  • Dario Benedetti, Université Paris - Sud 11

The melonic limit of a field theory is a large-N limit in which melonic diagrams dominate, thus differing significantly from the cactus and planar limits of vector and matrix models. It was first discovered in tensor models in zero dimensions, viewed as an approach to quantum gravity, and later in the SYK model. More recently, it has found applications in quantum field theory on a fixed (flat) background as an analytic tool for the study of new fixed points of the renormalization group, i.e. new conformal field theories. In this talk, I will review the main features of the melonic limit, and in view of the recent developments I will revisit an old model by Amit and Roginsky with SO(3) internal symmetry, which is neither a tensor model nor a disordered model like SYK, and yet it has a similar melonic limit. Time permitting, I will also comment on similarities with the fishnet model by Kazakov et al, and on the (in)stability of all such models when complex scaling dimensions appear.