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The universe itself provides a wonderful laboratory for exploring microscopic physics beyond the Standard Model of particle interactions. Through cosmology, we have uncovered foundational surprises: dark matter, dark energy, and a quantum mechanical early universe. In the next few years, we hope to understand these surprising phenomena in more detail and elucidate their fundamental nature.

Modern cosmology combines theory and experiment, and Perimeter is deeply involved in both aspects. On the theory side, Perimeter is an ideal environment for exploring new ideas, with strong connections to the Particle Physics, Strong Gravity, and Quantum Fields and Strings research areas. For example, Perimeter researchers Job Feldbrugge and Neil Turok recently introduced new mathematical tools for computing oscillatory path integrals. Initially motivated by cosmology, these tools have applications in a variety of contexts, from quantum field theory to radio astronomy, and will be fascinating to explore further.

On the experimental side, Perimeter is now involved in 12 current or forthcoming large collaborations, including the Simons Observatory, DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument), and the CHIME (Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment) radio telescope. For example, the CHIME search for fast radio bursts (FRBs) is a high-profile success story for Canadian astrophysics, and this search was powered by algorithms and software written at Perimeter.

Further exploration

Take a look Inside the Perimeter with these feature stories about researchers and their latest work.

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Cosmology researchers

  • Neal Dalal profile picture

    Neal Dalal

    Research Faculty

  • William East profile picture

    William East

    Research Faculty

    Strong Gravity
  • Junwu Parham picture

    Junwu Huang

    Research Faculty

    Particle Physics
  • Kendrick Smith profile picture

    Kendrick Smith

    Research Faculty
    Perimeter Research Chair

    The Daniel Family James Peebles Chair in Theoretical Physics
  • Lee Smolin profile photo

    Lee Smolin

    Research Faculty

    Quantum Foundations
    Quantum Gravity
  • Katherine Mack profile picture

    Katherine Mack

    Outreach Faculty

    Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication
  • Ghazal Geshnizjani profile picture

    Ghazal Geshnizjani

    Teaching Faculty
    Academic Staff
    Training, Educational Outreach and Scientific Programs

    Teaching Faculty
  • Neil Turok

    Neil Turok

    Perimeter Research Chair
    Perimeter Research Chair (Visiting)

    Carlo Fidani Roger Penrose Distinguished Visiting Research Chair in Theoretical Physics
  • Kendrick Smith profile picture

    Kendrick Smith

    Research Faculty
    Perimeter Research Chair

    The Daniel Family James Peebles Chair in Theoretical Physics