The Initiative for Small-Scale Experiment Design

The Initiative for Small-Scale Experiment Design is intended to unlock the potential in table-top experimentation by bringing together particle physics phenomenologists and experimentalists working on cutting-edge technologies. By creating a collaborative environment where experimentalists and theorists can combine skillsets and research interests, the initiative will advance the field of low-cost, high-return small-scale experiment.

Dark Matter

The Initiative for Small-Scale Experiment Design

Building an innovation hub for small-scale experiments

Massive international experiments like the Large Hadron Collider have made incredible progress in fundamental physics, such as the 2012 discovery of the Higgs Boson. Now, low-cost, high-precision experiments can complement ongoing high-energy collider research.

Thanks to the recent advances in material science, atomic molecular optics (AMO), quantum information technology, electrical engineering, and condensed matter physics, it is now possible for small-scale precision experiments to probe some of the most fundamental questions in particle physics, in particular, the nature of dark matter.

The Initiative for Small-Scale Experiment Design is intended to unlock the potential in table-top experimentation by bringing together particle physics phenomenologists and experimentalists working on cutting-edge technologies. By creating a collaborative environment where experimentalists and theorists can combine skillsets and research interests, the initiative will advance the field of low-cost, high-return small-scale experiment.

The Initiative is, at its core, a meeting space. An open invitation is extended to theorists and experimentalists alike who are interested in pursuing collaborative small-scale experimentation to advance fundamental science. We encourage interested researchers (including postdoctoral fellows and graduate students) seeking collaboration opportunities to email [email protected]

Initiative opportunities and events include:

  • School on Table-Top Experiments for Fundamental Physics
  • Extended stays (one to four months) at Perimeter for postdoctoral fellow and senior graduate students interested in table-top experiment research. Nominations shall be sent to [email protected]
  • Sabbatical opportunities for senior researchers
  • Opportunities for researchers to propose or host workshops on precision technology with a focus on advancing fundamental science, and to host collaboration meetings.
  • Two-week, open-ended brainstorming sessions in July

Current Visiting Fellows


The Initiative is committed to training a new generation of scientists working in the field of small-scale experimentation, and to establishing a vibrant hub for exchanging technologies and ideas. We can offer meeting space, expertise, and support for launching new collaborations and testing ideas. Please reach out if you are interested in getting involved.