Perimeter runs a lively and diverse series of seminars, workshops, and conferences in keeping with its mission.
Perimeter Institute runs an active visitor program. We welcome applications from scientists of all levels of expertise for periods of time ranging from several days to a year.
Current Visitors
Mahdi Torabian
Cynthia Chiang
Prashant Kocherlakota
Strong Gravity
Dominic Chang
Strong Gravity
Abdullah Kahlid
Ignacio Rozada
Xiangyi Zhang
Savas Dimopoulos
- Coril Holdings Archimedes Chair in Theoretical Physics (Visiting)
Particle Physics
Zhen Pan
Yasamin Panahi
Quantum Matter
Upcoming Visitors
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Research areas
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Perimeter creates special research initiatives aimed at further developing new ideas. These initiatives are strategically chosen and run for defined periods.
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Research Resources
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