Inria Paris Centre
Areas of research: Quantum Information Quantum Matter
Research Interests
I am interested in quantum error correction, both for the practical reason of making quantum computers work in the real world, and because of the fascinating connections between quantum error correction and other areas of physics e.g. topological phases of matter and black hole physics.
Positions Held
- Consultant working with the architecture team, Xanadu Inc, 2021-present
- PhD student, Department of Physics and Astronomy,, University College London, 2016-2019
- Poster Prize, 5th International Conference on Quantum Error Correction, 2019
Recent Publications
- Nadkarni, P. J., Adonsou, S., Dauphinais, G., Kribs, D. W., & Vasmer, M. (2024). Unified and Generalized Approach to Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Error Correction. arxiv:2411.14389v1
- Hillmann, T., Dauphinais, G., Tzitrin, I., & Vasmer, M. (2024). Single-shot and measurement-based quantum error correction via fault complexes. arxiv:2410.12963v1
- Sabo, E., Gunderman, L. G., Ide, B., Vasmer, M., & Dauphinais, G. (2024). Weight-Reduced Stabilizer Codes with Lower Overhead. PRX Quantum, 5(4), 040302. doi:10.1103/prxquantum.5.040302
- Walshe, B. W., Baragiola, B. Q., Ferretti, H., Gefaell, J., Vasmer, M., Weil, R., . . . Alexander, R. N. (2024). Linear-optical quantum computation with arbitrary error-correcting codes. arxiv:2408.04126v2
- Menendez, D. H., Ray, A., & Vasmer, M. (2024). Implementing fault-tolerant non-Clifford gates using the [[8,3,2]] color code. Physical Review A, 109(6), 062438. doi:10.1103/physreva.109.062438
- Bridgeman, J. C., Kubica, A., & Vasmer, M. (2024). Lifting Topological Codes: Three-Dimensional Subsystem Codes from Two-Dimensional Anyon Models. PRX Quantum, 5(2), 020310. doi:10.1103/prxquantum.5.020310
- Dauphinais, G., Kribs, D. W., & Vasmer, M. (n.d.). Stabilizer Formalism for Operator Algebra Quantum Error Correction. Quantum, 8, 1261. doi:10.22331/q-2024-02-21-1261
- Sabo, E., Gunderman, L. G., Ide, B., Vasmer, M., & Dauphinais, G. (2024). Weight Reduced Stabilizer Codes with Lower Overhead. arxiv:2402.05228v1
- Quintavalle, A. O., Webster, P., & Vasmer, M. (n.d.). Partitioning qubits in hypergraph product codes to implement logical gates. Quantum, 7, 1153. doi:10.22331/q-2023-10-24-1153
- Huang, E., Pesah, A., Chubb, C. T., Vasmer, M., & Dua, A. (2023). Tailoring Three-Dimensional Topological Codes for Biased Noise. PRX Quantum, 4(3), 030338. doi:10.1103/prxquantum.4.030338
- Huang, J., Li, S. M., Yeh, L., Kissinger, A., Mosca, M., & Vasmer, M. (n.d.). Graphical CSS Code Transformation Using ZX Calculus. In Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 384 (pp. 1-19). Open Publishing Association. doi:10.4204/eptcs.384.1
- Vasmer, M., & Bridgeman, J. (2023). qudit-single-shot [Computer Software]. https://github.com/MikeVasmer/qudit-single-shot
- Kubica, A., & Vasmer, M. (n.d.). Single-shot quantum error correction with the three-dimensional subsystem toric code. Nature Communications, 13(1), 6272. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-33923-4
- Scruby, T. R., Vasmer, M., & Browne, D. E. (2022). Non-Pauli errors in the three-dimensional surface code. Physical Review Research, 4(4), 043052. doi:10.1103/physrevresearch.4.043052
- Vasmer, M., & Kubica, A. (2022). Morphing Quantum Codes. PRX Quantum, 3(3), 030319. doi:10.1103/prxquantum.3.030319
- Chen, H., Vasmer, M., Breuckmann, N. P., & Grant, E. (n.d.). Automated discovery of logical gates for quantum error correction (with Supplementary (153 pages)). Quantum Information and Computation, 22(11&12), 947-964. doi:10.26421/qic22.11-12-3
- Scruby, T. R., Browne, D. E., Webster, P., & Vasmer, M. (n.d.). Numerical Implementation of Just-In-Time Decoding in Novel Lattice Slices Through the Three-Dimensional Surface Code. Quantum, 6, 721. doi:10.22331/q-2022-05-24-721
- Webster, P., Vasmer, M., Scruby, T. R., & Bartlett, S. D. (2022). Universal fault-tolerant quantum computing with stabilizer codes. Physical Review Research, 4(1), 013092. doi:10.1103/physrevresearch.4.013092
- Weight Reduced Stabilizer Codes with Lower Overhead, CAP Congress, Western University, London, Canada, 2024/05/27
- Weight Reduced Stabilizer Codes with Lower Overhead, YITP Quantum Error Correction Workshop, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, 2024/03/27
- Fault-tolerant quantum computation with topological subsystem codes, International Workshop on General-Purpose Quantum Computing and Information Theory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2023/06/12, Video URL
- Three-dimensional subsystem codes from two-dimensional topological codes, APS March Meeting, American Physical Society, College Park, United States, 2023/03/07
- Fault-tolerant quantum computing in the age of “good codes”, Q-SITE, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2022/10/15