Dan Wohns
- Lecture - Quantum Theory, PHYS 605, Quantum Theory (Core), PHYS 605, September 3 – October 4, 2024, 2024/09/16, PIRSA:24090073
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 100323, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/10/03, PIRSA:23090049
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 100223, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/10/02, PIRSA:23100034
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 092723, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/27, PIRSA:23090048
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 092623, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/26, PIRSA:23090098
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 092523, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/25, PIRSA:23090047
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 092123, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/21, PIRSA:23090046
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 092023, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/20, PIRSA:23090045
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 091823, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/18, PIRSA:23090044
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 091423, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/14, PIRSA:23090043
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 091323, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/13, PIRSA:23090042
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 091123, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/11, PIRSA:23090041
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 090823, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/08, PIRSA:23090040
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 090723, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/07, PIRSA:23090050
- Quantum Theory Lecture - 090623, Quantum Theory 2023/24, 2023/09/06, PIRSA:23090039
- Quantum Fields and Strings Lecture - 230302, Quantum Fields and Strings (2022/2023), 2023/03/02, PIRSA:23030016
- Quantum Fields and Strings Lecture - 230301, Quantum Fields and Strings (2022/2023), 2023/03/01, PIRSA:23030015
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220928, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/28, PIRSA:22090043
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220927, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/27, PIRSA:22090042
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220926, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/26, PIRSA:22090041
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220923, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/23, PIRSA:22090040
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220921, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/21, PIRSA:22090039
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220919, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/19, PIRSA:22090038
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220916, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/16, PIRSA:22090037
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220914, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/14, PIRSA:22090036
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220909, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/09, PIRSA:22090034
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220907, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/07, PIRSA:22090033
- Quantum Theory - Lecture 220906, Quantum Theory (2022-2023), 2022/09/06, PIRSA:22090032
- Quantum Fields and Strings 2021/2022 - Lecture 3, Quantum Fields and Strings 2021/2022, 2022/03/03, PIRSA:22030083
- Quantum Fields and Strings - Lecture 2, Quantum Fields and Strings 2021/2022, 2022/03/02, PIRSA:22030082
- Quantum Fields and Strings 2021/2022 -Lecture 1, Quantum Fields and Strings 2021/2022, 2022/02/28, PIRSA:22020070