Quantum fields and strings
Quantum field theory is central to current research in particle physics, condensed-matter systems, and early-universe cosmology. It describes the interactions of elementary particles, the dynamics of many-body systems, and the behaviour of "critical phenomena" with exquisite accuracy. String theory is based on the idea that, at very short distances, all particles extend into one-dimensional objects called “strings.” Modern string theory is a broad and varied field with strong connections to quantum gravity, particle physics, cosmology, and mathematics. Perimeter researchers are producing world-leading advances in quantum field theory and string theory.
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Quantum fields and strings researchers
Director, Perimeter Institute
BMO Financial Group Isaac Newton Chair in Theoretical Physics
Deputy Faculty Chair
Gluskin Sheff/Onex Freeman Dyson Chair in Theoretical Physics
Krembil Galileo Galilei Chair in Theoretical Physics
The Clay Riddell Paul Dirac Chair in Theoretical Physics
Director, Perimeter Institute
BMO Financial Group Isaac Newton Chair in Theoretical Physics
Deputy Faculty Chair
Gluskin Sheff/Onex Freeman Dyson Chair in Theoretical Physics