Theoretical astro- & particle physicist, computational cosmologist

About me

Hi, my name is Simon May. I’m doing research in theoretical astro- and particle physics, mainly driven by one question: What is dark matter?

I’m currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Previously, I finished my PhD (Dr. rer. nat.), advised by Volker Springel, at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics with a dissertation about Structure formation in quantum-wave dark matter cosmologies.

I obtained my master’s degree in physics in 2018 at Münster University (Germany), where I wrote my master’s thesis on Minimal dark matter models with radiative neutrino masses: From Lagrangians to observables. My advisor was Michael Klasen. As a result, I won the Infineon Master Award for the best master’s thesis of the year within Münster University’s Department of Physics. I spent one year at Lund University (Sweden) during my master’s program as part of the EU Erasmus exchange program.

My bachelor’s thesis was on Properties of supersymmetric top quark pair-production at hadron colliders, with Anna Kulesza as my advisor.


My publications can be found on arXiv (other databases: ADS, INSPIRE, ORCID).


Here is a chronological list of scientific talks which I have given (slightly outdated; will be updated soon).