Stavros Niarchos Foundation Aristarchus Chair in Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Research Faculty
Perimeter Research Chair
Areas of research: Particle Physics
Teaching Affiliations
If you are interested in working with me as a PhD student, please first apply to the PSI masters program.
Research Interests
The Standard Model of particle physics, developed more than 30 years ago, successfully describes phenomena from subatomic to galactic scales and have been experimentally tested to a precision of twelve decimals. Nevertheless, it remains incomplete: Why is gravity so weak? What is the nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy? Are there any other forces beyond the four known interactions? These are only a few of the questions particle theory tries to address. These answers come from experiment. While for the past 50 years collider physics and large scale projects have been driving the successes of the Standard Model, there are several opportunities coming from new techniques from other fields of physics. My research is drawing together ideas from these developments to propose novel theoretical ideas to such longstanding problems, and to build bridges to experimentalists, combining ingenuity with new technologies to develop experimental tests that can probe otherwise-inaccessible phenomena.
Positions Held
- Aristarchus Chair for Theoretical Physics, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2016-2025
- Research Faculty, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2014-2018
- Research Associate, SITP Stanford University, 2013-2014
- Postdoctoral fellow, SITP Stanford University, 2011-2013
- Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley and LBNL, 2008-2011
- 2024 Frontiers of Science Award in Theoretical Physics, International Congress of Basic Science, 2024
- 2023 Loeb Lectures in Physics, Harvard University, 2023
- 2022 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal, Canadian Association of Physicists, 2022
- Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Grant, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, 2017-2023
- International Sciacca Award in Physics, Giuseppe Sciacca Foundation, Italy, 2017
- 2017 New Horizons in Physics Prize, Breakthrough Prize Foundation, 2017
- 2106 Outstanding Achievement Under 40 Years of Age Award, Hellenic Heritage Foundation, Canada, 2016
- Early Researcher Award, Government of Ontario, 2016
Recent Publications
- Arvanitaki, A., Engel, J., Geraci, A. A., Madden, A., Hepburn, A., & Van Tilburg, K. (2024). The Ferroaxionic Force. doi:10.48550/arxiv.2411.10516
- Arvanitaki, A., Dimopoulos, S., & Galanis, M. (2024). Superradiant Interactions of the Cosmic Neutrino Background, Axions, Dark Matter, and Reactor Neutrinos. doi:10.48550/arxiv.2408.04021
- Arvanitaki, A., Madden, A., & Van Tilburg, K. (2024). Piezoaxionic effect. Physical Review D, 109(7), 072009. doi:10.1103/physrevd.109.072009
- Arvanitaki, A., & Dimopoulos, S. (2023). Cosmic neutrino background on the surface of the Earth. Physical Review D, 108(4), 043517. doi:10.1103/physrevd.108.043517
- Arvanitaki, A., & Dimopoulos, S. (2022). The Cosmic Neutrino Background on the Surface of the Earth. doi:10.48550/arxiv.2212.00036
- Chiles, J., Charaev, I., Lasenby, R., Baryakhtar, M., Huang, J., Roshko, A., . . . Berggren, K. K. (2022). New Constraints on Dark Photon Dark Matter with Superconducting Nanowire Detectors in an Optical Haloscope. Physical Review Letters, 128(23), 231802. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.128.231802
- The Piezoaxionic Effect, University of Montreal, Physics Department, 2024/03/22
- Particle Physics Lecture, Particle Physics , 2024/03/11, PIRSA:24030020
- Particle Physics Lecture, Particle Physics , 2024/03/08, PIRSA:24030019
- Particle Physics Lecture, Particle Physics , 2024/03/06, PIRSA:24030018
- Particle Physics Lecture, Particle Physics , 2024/03/04, PIRSA:24030017
- Particle Physics Lecture, Particle Physics , 2024/03/01, PIRSA:24030016
- Particle Physics Lecture, Particle Physics , 2024/02/28, PIRSA:24020028
- The CnuB distribution on the surface of the Earth, Stanford University, Physics Department, Stanford, United States, 2024/01/30
- The CnuB distribution on the surface of the Earth, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Toronto, Canada, 2023/12/04
- The CnuB distribution on the surface of the Earth, Columbia University, Physics Department, New York, United States, 2023/12/01
- The CnuB distribution on the surface of the Earth, New York University, Physics Department, New York, United States, 2023/11/29
- The CnuB distribution on the surface of the Earth, CalTech, Physics Department, Pasadena, United States, 2023/11/09
- The piezoaxionic effect, 2023/08/23
- “New directions in the hunt for new physics, 2023/06/14
- Particle Physics Lecture - 230313, Particle Physics (2022/2023), 2023/03/13, PIRSA:23030060
- Particle Physics Lecture - 230310, Particle Physics (2022/2023), 2023/03/10, PIRSA:23030059
- Particle Physics Lecture - 230308, Particle Physics (2022/2023), 2023/03/08, PIRSA:23030058
- Particle Physics Lecture - 230306, Particle Physics (2022/2023), 2023/03/06, PIRSA:23030057
- Particle Physics Lecture - 230303, Particle Physics (2022/2023), 2023/03/03, PIRSA:23030056
- Particle Physics Lecture - 230301, Particle Physics (2022/2023), 2023/03/01, PIRSA:23030055
- The piezoaxionic effect, 2023/02/02
- The piezoaxionic effect, 2022/12/06
- The piezoaxionic effect, 2022/11/22
- Probing ultralight bosons with black hole superradiance, 2022/11/15
- The Cosmic Neutrino Background on the surface of the Earth, 2022/10/20
- Panel Session: Luck vs Grit, The Day of Discovery, 2022/10/20, PIRSA:22100068
- Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem, School on Table-Top Experiments for Fundamental Physics, 2022/09/23, PIRSA:22090026
- Welcome & Opening Remarks, School on Table-Top Experiments for Fundamental Physics, 2022/09/19, PIRSA:22090001
- The Piezoaxionic Effect, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 2022/05/01