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Event Type: Conference

Scientific Area(s): Cosmology Particle Physics Quantum Fields and Strings

End date: 2007-08-18


The Summer School on Particle Physics, Cosmology and Strings is the 5th in an ongoing series offered by Perimeter Institute and PIMS. The summer school is targeted at 40 advanced graduate students in high energy physics with interests in at least one of the research areas of particle physics, cosmology and/or string theory. 

The 1st2nd and 4th editions of this summer school were held at the University of British Columbia. The 3rd edition was held at Perimeter Institute.

Broadly, the lecture courses at the school will revolve around the following themes: In particle physics, the content is aimed at helping students gain the basic tools to journey through the LHC era; in cosmology, the content is aimed at giving students the necessary background to follow the developments coming from WMAP; in string theory, the content is aimed at the developments directly connected to particle physics and cosmology. 



Partial List of Lecturers

Particle Physics Cosmology String Theory
Nima Arkani-Hamed, Harvard University

Tao Han, University of Wisconsin

Graham Kribs, University of Oregon

Maxim Perelstein, Cornell University

Maria Spiropulu, CERN

James Wells, MCTP, University of Michigan

William Kinney, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York

Joao Magueijo, Perimeter Institute, CITA, Imperial College

Patrick McDonaldCITA, University of Toronto

Ue-Li PenCITA, University of Toronto

James Taylor, University of Waterloo

Mark Wyman, Perimeter Institute

Frederik Denef, University of Leuven

Liam McAllister, Princeton University

Gary Shiu, University of Wisconsin



Shehu Abdus Salam, DAMTP
Mohamed Anber, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Daniel Arteaga, Departament de Física Fonamental. Universitat de Barcelona
Ido Ben-Dayan Ben, Gurion University of the Negev
Joel Brownstein, Perimeter Institute
Serkan Cabi, MIT
Alejandra Castro, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Won Sang Cho, KAIST
Nathan Chow, UW / PI
Yu-Chieh Chung, Texas A&M University 
Michele Cicoli, University of Cambridge (DAMTP)
Marko Djuric, Brown University
Sean Echols, University of California, Santa Cruz
Mohammad Faghfoor, Maghrebi University of British Columbia (UBC)
Daniel Ferrante, Brown University
Veselin Filev, University of Southern California 
Dongfeng Gao Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto
Yu Gao Physics Dept., UW-Madison
Viviane Theresa Grass, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Department for Theoretical Physics
Hovhannes Grigoryan, Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory
Guangyu Guo, Texas A&M University
Sheikh Haque, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Loison Hoi, McGill University
Martha Holmes, Vanderbilt University
Ji-Haeng Huh, Seoul National University
Matthias Ihl, University of Texas at Austin
Jay Ihry, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Amir Jafari Salim, Perimeter Institute
Junji Jia, University of Western Ontario
Jeff Jones, University of California at Santa Cruz
Adam Kelleher, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jihun Kim, Seoul National University
Klaus Larjo, University of Pennsylvania
Wonwoo Lee, CQUeST, Sogang University
Ian Lewis, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Shunji Matsuura, Perimeter Institute
Paul McGuirk, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chan Beom Park, KAIST
Filippo Passerini, Perimeter Institute
Cengiz Pehlevan, Brown University
Delphine Perrodin, University of Arizona
Antonio Racioppi, Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata - Dipartimento di Fisica
Jorge Rocha, University of California, Santa Barbara
Anjishnu Sarkar, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Kwang Sik Jeong, KIAS
Christian Spethmann, Cornell University
Lorenzo Ubaldi, University of California, Santa Cruz
Federico Urban, INFN Ferrara & Department of Physics, University of Ferrara
Linda Uruchurtu, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
Matthias Wapler, Perimeter Institute
Eric West, Syracuse University
Benjamin Withers, Imperial College London
Timm Wrase, University of Texas at Austin
I-Sheng Yang, UC Berkeley
Sean Stotyn, University of Waterloo