The Search for Variations of Fundamental Couplings and Mass Scales

Event Type: Conference
End date:

The last decade has seen a dramatic improvement in the quality of tests of variations of fundamental couplings and mass scales in space and time. Currently, a large number of the astrophysical, cosmological, space-based and laboratory-based tests are being conducted. Should any of such tests give a non-zero result, they would also suggest a dynamical nature for the dark energy in the Universe, which makes them highly relevant for the on-going effort in cosmology to measure the dynamical properties of dark energy. The workshop aims to bring together atomic and nuclear physics experimentalists and theorists working on the implementation of such tests, and theoretical particle physicists and cosmologists working on creating consistent models that can account for changing couplings.



Julian Berengut, University of New South Wales 
James Bergquist, NIST
Dmitry Budker, University of California, Berkeley
Thomas Dent, University of Heidelberg
John F.Donoghue, University of Massachusetts
Victor Flambaum, University of New South Wales 
Joe Henson, Perimeter Institute 
Eric Hudson, Yale University
A.V. Ivanchik, Ioffe Institute 
Savely Karshenboim, Max-Planck-Institute 
Hidetoshi Katori, University of Tokyo 
Rishi Khatri, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Julian King, University of New South Wales 
Mikhail Kozlov, University of Turku
Michael Murphy, Swinburne University 
Ekkehard Peik, PTB
Federico Piazza, Perimeter Institute
Maxim Pospelov, University of Victoria &Perimeter Institute
Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute 
Raghunathan, Srianand IUCAA
Jan Thomsen, Niels Bohr Institute 
Michael Tobar, University of Western Australia 
Justin Torgerson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Wim Ubach, University of Amsterdam