Non-Isometric Quantum Error Correction in Gravity

PIRSA ID: 22110116
Series: Quantum Gravity
Event Type: Seminar
Scientific Area(s):
Quantum Gravity
End date:
  • Arjun Kar, University of British Columbia (UBC)

In the holographic approach to quantum gravity, quantum information theory plays a fundamental role in understanding how semiclassical gravity emerges from the microscopic description.  The map (sometimes called the dictionary) between these two descriptions has the structure of a quantum error correcting code.  In the context of an evaporating black hole, this code can be arbitrarily far from an isometry.  Such codes are novel from a quantum information standpoint, and their properties are not yet well understood.  I will describe a simple toy model of an evaporating black hole which allows for an explicit construction of the dictionary using the Euclidean gravity path integral.  I will also describe the sense in which this dictionary is a non-isometric code, explain its basic properties, and comment on implications for semiclassical physics in the black hole interior.

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