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Event Type: Conference

Scientific Area(s):

End date: 2009-05-27


The 'Cosmological Constant Problem' is one of most outstanding problems in theoretical physics. It is a significant theme of many current areas of research, both at theoretical level, and at the experimental level, via the increasing observational evidence for dark energy. However, the way researchers address this problem varies tremendously between different scientific communities.

The principal aim of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers in neighboring fields, to reach a common understanding of the nature of the problem, and to share the tools used in addressing it. In parallel, this workshop aims at understanding how the different directions in solving the Cosmological Constant Problem are related as well as searching for genuinely new approaches to tackle the question.



Cliff Burgess, Perimeter Institute/McMaster University
Daniel Chung, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lam Hui, Columbia University
Aharon Davidson, Ben-Gurion University
Lisa Everett, University of Wisconsin
Gregory Gabadadze, CCPP, New York University
Alberto Iglesias, University of California, Davis
Nissan Itzhaki, Tel Aviv University
Nemanja Kaloper, University of California, Davis
Justin Khoury, University of Pennsylvania
Hyun Min Lee, McMaster University
John Moffat, Perimeter Institute
Susha Parameswaran, DESY
Federico Piazza, Perimeter Institute
Seifallah Randjbar-Daemi, ICTP
Sarah Shandera, Columbia University
Yanwen Shang, University of Toronto
Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute
Rafael Sorkin, Perimeter Institute
David Spergel, Princeton University
Neil Turok, Perimeter Institute
Henry Tye, Cornell University
Scott Watson, University of Michigan