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Event Type: Conference

Scientific Area(s):

End date: 2009-06-13


In the last few years, a new observational window has opened on the dark sector of matter. The recent flood of experimental results on direct and indirect dark matter detection has potentially revolutionized our view of the nature of dark matter.

As the non gravitational nature of dark matter may well be revealing itself for the first time, initial results have lead to a reexamination of WIMP physics with the aim of enhancing the annihilation cross section through various means, and encouraged theorists to think of more exotic possibilities. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading theorists in this area, as well as representatives of the recent experiments, to encourage the sharing and debating of recent results and approaches to probing and describing the dark matter sector.


Confirmed Invited Speakers To Date

Luca Baldini, INFN-Pias
Pierluigi Belli, DAMA/LIBRA
Marco Cirelli, CEA-Saclay, CNRS
Dan Hooper, Fermilab
Christopher Jillings, DEAP-1
Ann Nelson, University of Washington
Uwe Oberlack, Rice University
Piergiorgio Picozza, PAMELA
Maxim Pospelov, Perimeter Institute & University of Victoria
Wolfgang Rau, CDMS
Adam Ritz, University of Victoria
Pierre Salati, LAPTH
Eun-Suk Seo, ATIC
Alessandro Strumia, Università di Pisa
Tracy Slatyer, Harvard
Nigel Smith, SNOlab
Mani Tripathi, UC Davis/LUX
Liantao Wang, Princeton University
Ubi Wichoski, Laurentian University, PICASSO
Hasan Yuksel, University of Delaware
Jure Zupan, CERN
Kathryn Zurek, Fermilab