Multichannel Kondo Anyons for topological Quantum Computation

PIRSA ID: 20010098
Series: Quantum Matter
Event Type: Seminar
Scientific Area(s):
Quantum Matter
End date:
  • Yashar Komijani, Rutgers University

I propose [1] to use the residual anyons of overscreened Kondo physics for quantum computation. A superconducting proximity gap of Δ<TK can be utilized to isolate the anyon from the continuum of excitations and stabilize the non-trivial fixed point. We use the dynamical large-N technique [2] and bosonization to show that the residual entropy survives in a superconductor and suggest a charge Kondo setup for isolating and detecting the Majorana fermion in the two-channel Kondo impurity.
I will then conjecture that topological defects in a multichannel Kondo lattice carry anyons. Motivated by this, we look at a two-channel SU(N) Kondo lattice in the large-N limit [3].  In this model, the continuous channel-symmetry is spontaneously broken, forming a “channel ferromagnet” and realizing the so-called fractionalized order parameter [4]. By integrating out the fermions we derive an effective action that describes the symmetry breaking and its emergent collective modes. Remarkably, topological defects in the order parameter carry a U(1) flux, manifested in the Aharonov-Bohm phase picked by electrons that orbit the defect. We argue that the phase diagram contains a non-magnetic transition between a large and a small Fermi surface.
I will also briefly highlight our recent results [5] on a magnetically frustrated Kondo-screened triangle which contains two symmetry-preserving phases, transcending the Landau-Ginzburg paradigm. The quantum phase transition is driven by the proliferation of instantons of the emergent gauge theory and can be regarded as a toy model for the deconfined criticality.