Effective Field Theory and Gravitational Physics

Event Type: Conference
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This small three day workshop will focus on the applications of effective field theories to gravitational physics, with particular emphasis on gravitational wave production. These effective theories have been used to derive new results for calculating gravitational potentials and multipole moments for binary systems at third order in the post-Newtonian approximation, as well as thermodynamic properties of Kaluza-Klein black holes. It has also been recently utilized to calculate corrections to leading order radiation reaction forces in general relativity as well as classical electrodynamics. The power of the methodology is that it allows on to calculate systematically to arbitrarily high accuracy. Such higher order results will be used in generating gravitational wave templates to extract parameters such as masses and spins of binary constituents at LIGO and LISA. The purpose of the workshop will be to gather experts in the field to generate new applications (e.g., in cosmology) as well as to push present applications to higher orders.



Enrico Barausse, University of Maryland
Luc Blanchet, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Aharon Brodutch, Macquarie University
Alessandra Buonanno, University of Maryland
Cliff Burgess, Perimeter Institute & McMaster University
Umberto Cannella, University of Maryland
Solomon Endlich, Columbia University
Stefano Foffa, University of Geneva
Laurent Freidel, Perimeter Institute
Chad Galley, California Institute of Technology
Walter Goldberger, Yale University
Michael Horbatsch, McMaster University
Barak Kol, Hebrew University
David Kubiznak, Perimeter Institute
Louis Leblond, Perimeter Institute
Luis Lehner, Perimeter Institute & University of Guelph
Adam Leibovich, University of Pittsburgh
Michele Levi, Hebrew University
Mozhgan Mir, Ferdowsi University
Ryan Morrisey, University of Guelph
Robert Myers, Perimeter Institute
Alberto Nicolis, Columbia University
Riccardo Penco, Syracuse University
Eric Poisson, University of Guelph
Marcelo Ponce, University of Guelph
Rafael Porto, Institute for Advanced Study
Sohrab Rahvar, Sharif University of Technology
Andreas Ross, Carnegie Mellon University
Ira Rothstein, Carnegie Mellon University
Gerhard Schaefer, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Erik Schnetter, Perimeter Institute
Leonardo Senatore, Stanford University
Misha Smolkin, Perimeter Institute
Riccardo Sturani, National Institute of Nuclear Physics
Daniel Terno, Perimeter Institute
Michele Vallisneri, California Institute of Technology
Ian Vega, University of Guelph
Dan Wohns, Perimeter Institute
Gang Xu, Cornell University
Peter Zimmerman, University of Guelph