Computational methods are a tool that is used in virtually all areas of science. This one-day workshop aims to entice Perimeter researchers from different areas to discuss the computational tools they use in their everyday work -- even when research fields differ, computational methods are often similar. At Perimeter, researchers employ a wide range of algorithms ranging from traditional number-crunching to novel graph processing methods, and these may be implemented either in large, collaborative codes or in exploratory Maple/Mathematica/Python scripts.
We invite participants from all areas of research at Perimeter. Presentations should aim to give an overview of the computational methods they employ, without requiring in-depth knowledge of a particular field. This workshop also aims to create a user community for the new computing hardware available at Perimeter.
Marcus Appleby, Perimeter Institute
Avery Broderick, Perimeter Institute
Lukasz Cincio, Perimeter Institute
Bianca Dittrich, Perimeter Institute
Chad Hanna, Perimeter Institute
Matt Johnson, Perimeter Institute
David Rideout, UCSD
Erik Schnetter, Perimeter Institute
Rafael Sorkin, Perimeter Institute
Pedro Vieira, Perimeter Institute
Itay Yavin, Perimeter Institute
Marcus Appleby, Perimeter Institute
Enrico Barausse, University of Guelph
Oliver Buerschaper, Perimeter Institute
Lukasz Cincio, Perimeter Institute
Bianca Dittrich, Perimeter Institute
Nikolay Gromov, Kings College London
Chad Hanna, Perimeter Institute
Matt Johnson, Perimeter Institute
Luis Lehner, Perimeter Institute
Steve Liebling, Long Island University
Mozhgan Mir, Perimeter Institute
Rob Myers, Perimeter Institute
Marcelo Ponce, University of Guelph
Sohrab Rahvar, Perimeter Institute
Sayeh Rajabi, Perimeter Institute
David Rideout, UCSD
Erik Schnetter, Perimeter Institute
Rafael Sorkin, Perimeter Institute
Pedro Vieira, Perimeter Institute
Guifre Vidal, Perimeter Institute
Itay Yavin, Perimeter Institute
Miguel Zilhao, Universidade do Porto