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Event Type: Conference

Scientific Area(s):

End date: 2009-11-08


One of the salient challenges in modern theoretical physics is the construction of a quantum theory of gravity. This challenge has been addressed over time from many original, and sometimes exotic, points of view. A very conservative solution, going under the name of "asymptotic safety," exists somewhat surprisingly within the realm of usual quantum field theory and the renormalization group. Proposed 30 years ago, it has recently received strong support thanks to new techniques in non-perturbative quantum field theory.

This workshop will bring together researchers who are currently working on asymptotic safety (or worked on it in the past) and researchers who are working on alternative ideas which can bring a new light on the subject. The aim of this meeting is to combine these alternative points of view and reach a better understanding of the results obtained so far, of their interpretation and relevance for quantum gravity.


Confirmed Invited Speakers To Date:

Jan Ambjorn, Utrecht University
Alfio Bonanno, INAF, Catania
Daniel Litim, University of Sussex
Holger Gies, ITP, Jena University
Renate Loll, Utrecht University
Max Niedermaier, Tours University
Martin Reuter, Mainz University
Vincent Rivasseau, University Paris-Sud XI
Frank Saueressig, Mainz University
Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute
Arkady Tseytlin, Imperial College, London
B.F.L. Ward, Baylor University 
Steven Weinberg, University of Texas, Austin
Jean Zinn-Justin, CEA, Saclay

Other Participants Attending:

Petr Horava
Michael Scherer
Astrid Eichhorn
Adriano Contillo
Omar Zanusso
Gaurav Narain
Cliff Burgess
Sean Gryb
Stefan Floerchinger
Gian Paolo Vacca
Christoph Stephan
Giovanni Venturi