Advances in numerical techniques for spinfoam amplitudes with applications

PIRSA ID: 20090003
Series: Quantum Gravity
Event Type: Seminar
Scientific Area(s):
Quantum Gravity
End date:
  • Francesco Gozzini, Aix-Marseille University

The computation of transition amplitudes in Loop Quantum Gravity is still a hard task, especially without resorting to large-spins approximations. In Marseille we are actively developing a C library (sl2cfoam) to compute Lorentzian EPRL amplitudes with many vertices. We have already applied this tool to obtain interesting results in spinfoam cosmology and on the so-called flatness problem of spinfoam models. I will highlight the main aspects of our software library, describe the current applications and also introduce undergoing developments (Montecarlo over spin space, tensor contractions, GPU offloading) that will greatly enhance the library's speed and capabilities.