Perimeter Institute Quantum Intelligence Lab (PIQuIL)
The combined powers of quantum computing and artificial intelligence are sparking breakthroughs and breakout technologies at the Perimeter Institute Quantum Intelligence Lab (PIQuIL).
PIQuIL is a first-of-its kind meeting place for entrepreneurial leaders from fundamental research, education, and high-tech industry -- people who understand the vast potential of quantum intelligence.
PIQuIL scientists push the boundaries of AI algorithms to solve fundamental physics problems -- and apply fundamental physics insights to make progress on deep computing challenges.
PIQuIL partners like Canadian quantum intelligence software company 1QBit work within PIQuIL to stay at the forefront of the fast-changing field of quantum intelligence. Partnerships with AI-tech incubators like the Vector Institute and Creative Destruction Labs, and PIQuIL’s creation of open-source computer codes, are establishing Canada a powerhouse in quantum-AI research and technology.
PIQuIL has already spawned quantum-intelligence startups, like yiyaniQ, a quantum-inspired software provider for the financial industry, founded by PIQuIL research scientist Estelle Inack.
PIQuIL recently expanded to new, bigger headquarters as new partners from research, industry and beyond join the ecosystem of quantum intelligence.
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What PIQuIL does:
Research. Training. Collaborating with partners across science, industry, entrepreneurship, and academia.
Research topics include:
- Quantum state and process tomography on quantum devices
- Neural networks for quantum error correction, or the efficient representation of quantum wave functions
- Deep learning and its relation to phase transitions, the renormalization group and other quantum models
Who we are
PIQuIL founder Roger Melko is an associate faculty member at Perimeter Institute and the University of Waterloo, and is the Canada Research Chair in Computational Many-Body Physics. He was a first-mover in the field of quantum intelligence, establishing PIQuIL in 2019. Melko is the lead of the Creative Destructions Labs’ Quantum stream, and is an associate at the Vector Institute. He won the 2016 Canadian Association of Physicists Herzberg Medal for achievement by an early-career physicist.
Scientific leadership:
- Roger Melko (Perimeter Institute, University of Waterloo, Vector Institute)
- Juan Carrasquilla (Vector Institute)
- Pooya Ronagh (1QBit/IQC)
- Estelle Inack (Research Scientist)