Three women surrounded by chalkboards with equations

Simons Emmy Noether Fellowship Program

Emmy Noether was a brilliant scientist whose work underpins much of modern physics.

The Simons Emmy Noether Fellows Program, awarded annually and supported by the Simons Foundation, honours her legacy by supporting and encouraging early- and mid-career women and all under-represented groups in physics.

These fellowships enable visiting scientists to spend up to one year under the Faculty stream or three months under the Postdoctoral stream in Perimeter’s thriving, multi-disciplinary community. The scientists gain a unique opportunity to pursue their work intensively, free of teaching and administrative duties, and develop new international peer networks.

Flexibility is a key feature of the program, and one that helps to mitigate barriers faced by under-represented groups. Perimeter works with fellows to tailor their stays, which may include teaching buyouts with their home institutions, nearby accommodation, and childcare if required.

The program is having a remarkable impact, demonstrated by publications, successful grant applications, public lectures, and ongoing collaborations that have been fostered and supported.

If you are interested in applying to be an Emmy Noether Fellow in 2025, apply ONLINE by December 15, 2024.

Sumati Surya — Emmy Noether Visiting Fellow

“The Simons Emmy Noether Fellows Program made it possible to move our family halfway across the globe for a year, which is no mean feat,” says Sumati Surya, a 2016–17 Emmy Noether Fellow and associate professor at India’s Raman Research Institute. “This experience has injected great energy and inspiration for my research, which is invaluable.” – Sumati Surya


"The Simons Emmy Noether Fellowship dramatically changed the way I devise research for the future. The program is designed to boost research in physics by placing new fellows in an environment of intellectual elite and dynamic collaboration which, at the same time, takes care of the individual by helping with domestic issues and welcoming children and family. The initiative is flexible in form, deep in purpose." – Paula Mellado

"Of course, the most important aspect is that some of the best people in our field are at Perimeter. . . . Having these three months away from my home institute and temporarily away from many daily routines also helped refresh my mind. There was a long-term problem that I was in the process of solving step-by-step, on which I have already spent more than two years and was planning to spend another two years. But while at Perimeter, during the discussion with another visitor (Masahito Yamazaki), we solved this problem using a different method." – Wei Li

Meet the Emmy Noether researchers

Previous Emmy Noether fellows have come from around the world in a variety of subdisciplines. Expand the lists below to read about the fellows. Refer to our Visitors page for the most up-to-date information.