Swiss Teams
Sectional Tournament at the Club (Silver Points) See note below. This may not be final.
Open Swiss Teams Sunday Afternoon Session November 22, 2009 Scores after 4 rounds Team Wins Score Overall Rank MPs A B C 1 2.50 44.00 B 4 1.37(OB) Marion Wright - Tom Skillman - Grant Fryer - Fumiyo Kawamura 2 1.00 30.00 B 0.26(SA) Mae Reid - Hazel Mueller - Paul Latimer - John Hanemaayer 3 2.00 45.00 B 3/4 2/3 2.13(OB) Ed Allan - Diane Bourdeau - Malkin Howes - Mike O'Rourke 4 2.50 45.00 B 3/4 2/3 2.13(OB) Erika Hajek-Bolton - Don Ostrom - Sylvia Bell - Glen Chrysler 5 1.00 29.00 A 0.26(SA) Norma Ingram - Richard Maczynski - Jack McFadden - Marlene McFadden 6 1.00 31.00 B 0.26(SA) Al Charters - Shan Shanmuganathan - Erich Schultz - Laurette Hilborn 7 3.00 46.00 B 2 1 3.24(OB) Joan Viidik - Tony Viidik - Adrian Record - Brendon Doherty 8 3.00 40.00 A 0.78(SA) Larry Woods - Cindy Mahn - Edith Ferber - Ted Boyd 9 1.50 36.00 C 2 1.21(OC) Bill Fay - Janusz Malz - Louise Hollingsworth - Janusz Poniatowski 10 4.00 66.00 A 1 3.33(OA) Dragana Kovacevic - Miro Kovacevic - David Baker - Fran Chivers 11 2.00 39.00 C 5 1 1.61(OC) Daniel Gottesman - Lucy Zhang - Aninda Sinha - Urbasi Sinha 12 0.50 29.00 C 0.13(SA) Ned Loubert - Ray Gray - Pat Workman - Doug Cote
Obviously, there is something wrong here. I must have set up the games incorrectly and will need help to fix it.
So we will have to wait until that help returns my call. Sorry. This may also affect the Open section.
99 ers Swiss Teams Sunday Afternoon Session November 22, 2009 Scores after 4 rounds Team Wins Score Overall Rank MPs A B C 13 2.00 40.00 C 2 1.21(OC) Cheryl White - Paul White - Eleanor Proctor - Lyn Hemmerich 14 1.50 34.00 B 0.35(SA) Marion Haller - Mark Reitzel - Raj Dubey - Shanta Dubey 15 1.00 28.00 A 0.23(SA) Diane Jamieson - Janice Flossbach - Lenore Hooker - Joe Darkes 16 3.00 57.00 A 2 2.50(OA) Maribeth Fobel - Richard Fobel - Ivan McQuillin - Millie McQuillin 17 0.50 17.00 C 0.12(SA) Janice Brunn - Alison Dacre - Mary Ann Schnarr - Rita Highfield 18 1.00 43.00 C 1 1.61(OC) Carolyn Baechler - Trish Lockie - Pauline Gossen - Janet Renaud 19 2.00 32.00 B 0.46(SA) Pat Paleczny - Joan Richardson - Marcy Wolfe - Marg Kruger 20 3.00 45.00 A 0.69(SA) Joyce Davidson - Peggy Ferguson - Leila Walter - Edna Cape 21 3.00 50.00 B 4 2 2.43(OB) Peter Xie - Raina King - Alison Burkett - Carolina Yang 22 3.00 54.00 B 3 1 3.24(OB) Aggie Udvari - Renee Metzger - Greg Krulicki - Vic Courchesne