Bubble Collision Animations
Bubble Collision Animations
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This page serves as a supplement to arxiv/0907.3234. Please refer to that publication for specific details, or email me.
This work is a collaboration with
•Eugene Lim (Columbia University/ISCAP)
In this paper we investigate how new bubbles may be formed via classical processes during bubble collisions. The animations below support Figures 3 and 4 of arxiv/0907.3234.
In the case where the two bubbles are nucleated 2.4R0 apart (center to center) the walls achieve a Lorentz factor of ϒ∼1.5 when they collide. This does not satisfy relation (12) and therefore we do not expect new bubbles to form via classical nucleation. This is a 2-dimensional spatial slice with the field value plotted along the z-direction.
In contrast, if we set the bubbles apart by 3R0, the walls achieve ϒ∼1.5 as they collide, and (5) suggests that there is sufficient kinetic energy in the fields to achieve the transition. This is a 2-dimensional spatial slice with the field value plotted along the z-direction.
We can also visualize this in three spatial dimensions. Here the color corresponds to the field values. In this movie, the initial separation of the bubbles is 3.38R0 and the walls achieve ϒ∼2.1 as they collide.