Erik Schnetter's Publications
- Philipp Mösta, Sherwood
Richers, Christian D. Ott, Roland Haas, Anthony L. Piro, Kristen Boydstun,
Ernazar Abdikamalov, Christian Reisswig, and Erik Schnetter.
Magnetorotational core-collapse
supernovae in three dimensions.
Astrophys. J. Lett., 785:L29, 2014.
- Bianca Dittrich, Mercedes
Martín-Benito, and Erik Schnetter.
Coarse graining of spin net models:
dynamics of intertwiners.
New J. Phys., 15:103004, 2013.
- Marek Blazewicz, Ian Hinder,
David M. Koppelman, Steven R. Brandt, Milosz Ciznicki, Michal Kierzynka,
Frank Löffler, Erik Schnetter, and Jian Tao.
From physics model to results: An
optimizing framework for cross-architecture code generation.
Scientific Programming, 21:1–16, 2013.
- Ian Hinder, Alessandra Buonanno,
Michael Boyle, Zachariah B. Etienne, James Healy, Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel,
Alessandro Nagar, Hiroyuki Nakano, Yi Pan, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Michael
Pürrer, Christian Reisswig, Mark A. Scheel, Erik Schnetter, Ulrich
Sperhake, Bela Szilágyi, Wolfgang Tichy, Barry Wardell, Anıl
Zenginoglu, Daniela Alic, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Tanja Bode, Bernd
Brügmann, Luisa T. Buchman, Manuela Campanelli, Tony Chu, Thibault
Damour, Jason D. Grigsby, Mark Hannam, Roland Haas, Daniel A. Hemberger,
Sascha Husa, Lawrence E. Kidder, Pablo Laguna, Lionel London, Geoffrey
Lovelace, Carlos O. Lousto, Pedro Marronetti, Richard A. Matzner, Philipp
Mösta, Abdul Mroué, Doreen Müller, Bruno C. Mundim, Andrea
Nerozzi, Vasileios Paschalidis, George Reifenberger Denis Pollney and,
Luciano Rezzolla, Stuart L. Shapiro, Deirdre Shoemaker, Andrea Taracchini,
Nicholas W. Taylor, Saul A. Teukolsky, Marcus Thierfelder, Helvi Witek, and
Yosef Zlochower.
Error-analysis and comparison to
analytical models of numerical waveforms produced by the NRAR
Class. Quantum Grav., 31:025012, 2013.
- Nils Andersson, John Baker,
Kris Belczynski, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Emanuele Berti, Laura Cadonati, Pablo
Cerda-Duran, James Clark, Marc Favata, Lee Samuel Finn, Chris Fryer, Bruno
Giacomazzo, Jose Antonio Gonzalez, Martin Hendry, Ik Siong Heng, Stefan Hild,
Nathan Johnson-McDaniel, Peter Kalmus, Sergei Klimenko, Shiho Kobayashi,
Kostas Kokkotas, Pablo Laguna, Luis Lehner, Janna Levin, Steve Liebling,
Andrew MacFadyen, Ilya Mandel, Szabolcs Marka, Zsuzsa Marka, David Neilsen,
Paul O'Brien, Rosalba Perna, Harald Pfeiffer, Jocelyn Read, Christian
Reisswig, Carl Rodriguez, Max Ruffert, Erik Schnetter, Antony Searle, Peter
Shawhan, Deirdre Shoemaker, Alicia Soderberg, Ulrich Sperhake, Patrick
Sutton, Nial Tanvir, Michal Was, and Stan Whitcomb.
The transient gravitational-wave
Class. Quantum Grav., 30:193002, 2013.
- Christian Reisswig, Christian D.
Ott, Ernazar Abdikamalov, Roland Haas, Philipp Mösta, and Erik Schnetter.
Formation and coalescence of
cosmological supermassive black hole binaries in supermassive star
Pyys. Rev. Lett., 111:151101, 2013.
- Christian Reisswig, Roland Haas,
Christian D. Ott, Ernazar Abdikamalov, Philipp Mösta, Denis Pollney, and
Erik Schnetter.
Three-dimensional general-relativistic
hydrodynamic simulations of binary neutron star coalescence and stellar
collapse with multipatch grids.
Phys. Rev. D, 87:064023, 2013.
- Philipp Möesta, Bruno C.
Mundim, Joshua A. Faber, Roland Haas, Scott C. Noble, Tanja Bode, Frank
Loeffler, Christian D. Ott, Christian Reisswig, and Erik Schnetter.
GRHydro: A new open source
general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code for the Einstein
Class. Quantum Grav., 31:015005, 2014.
- Christian D. Ott, Ernazar
Abdikamalov, Philip Moesta, Roland Haas, Steve Drasco, Evan O'Connor,
Christian Reisswig, Casey Meakin, and Erik Schnetter.
General-relativistic simulations of
three-dimensional core-collapse supernovae.
Astrophys. J., 768:115, 2013.
- Oleg Korobkin, Ernazar
Abdikamalov, Nikolaos Stergioulas, Erik Schnetter, Burkhard Zink, Stephan
Rosswog, and Christian D. Ott.
The runaway instability in general
relativistic accretion discs.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 431:349–354, 2012.
- Christian D. Ott, Ernazar
Abdikamalov, Evan O'Connor, Christian Reisswig, Roland Haas, Peter Kalmus,
Steve Drasco, Adam Burrows, and Erik Schnetter.
Correlated gravitational wave and
neutrino signals from general-relativistic rapidly rotating iron core
Phys. Rev. D, 86:024026, 2012.
- Ernazar Abdikamalov, Adam
Burrows, Christian D. Ott, Frank Löffler, Evan O'Connor, Joshua C.
Dolence, and Erik Schnetter.
A new Monte Carlo method for
time-dependent neutrino radiation transport.
Astrophys. J., 755:111, 2012.
- J. David Brown, Peter Diener,
Scott E. Field, Jan S. Hesthaven, Frank Herrmann, Abdul H. Mroué, Olivier
Sarbach, Erik Schnetter, Manuel Tiglio, and Michael Wagman.
Numerical simulations with a
first-order BSSN formulation of Einstein's field equations.
Phys. Rev. D, 85:084004, 2012.
- Frank Löffler, Joshua
Faber, Eloisa Bentivegna, Tanja Bode, Peter Diener, Roland Haas, Ian Hinder,
Bruno C. Mundim, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, Gabrielle Allen, Manuela
Campanelli, and Pablo Laguna.
The Einstein Toolkit: a community
computational infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics.
Class. Quantum Grav., 29:115001, 2012.
- Ulrich Sperhake, Vitor Cardoso,
Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, and Helvi Witek.
Collisions of unequal mass black holes
and the point particle limit.
Phys. Rev. D, 84:084038, 2011.
- Ashley Zebrowski, Frank
Löffler, and Erik Schnetter.
The BL-Octree: An efficient data structure for discretized block-based
adaptive mesh refinement.
In Koen De Bosschere, Erik H. D'Hollander, Gerhard R. Joubert, David Padua,
Frans Peters, and Mark Sawyer, editors, Applications, Tools and
Techniques on the Road to Exascale Computing, volume 22 of
Advances in Parallel Computing, pages 81 – 88, 2011.
- Marek Blazewicz, Steven R.
Brandt, Peter Diener, David M. Koppelman, Krzysztof Kurowski, Frank
Löffler, Erik Schnetter, and Jian Tao.
A massive data parallel computational
framework for petascale/exascale hybrid computer systems.
In Koen De Bosschere, Erik H. D'Hollander, Gerhard R. Joubert, David Padua,
Frans Peters, and Mark Sawyer, editors, Applications, Tools and
Techniques on the Road to Exascale Computing, Advances in Parallel
Computing, pages 351 – 358, 2012.
arXiv:1201.2118 [cs.DC].
- Steven R. Brandt, Oleg Korobkin,
Frank Löffler, Jian Tao, Erik Schnetter, Ian Hinder, Dennis Castleberry,
and Michael Thomas.
Prickly Pear archive.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science,
ICCS 2011, volume 4, pages 750–758, 2011.
- Gabrielle Allen, Werner Benger,
Andrei Hutanu, Shantenu Jha, Frank Löffler, and Erik Schnetter.
practical and comprehensive graduate course preparing students for research
involving scientific computing.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science,
ICCS 2011, volume 4, pages 1927–1936, 2011.
- Christian D. Ott, Christian
Reisswig, Erik Schnetter, Evan O'Connor, Ulrich Sperhake, Frank Löffler,
Peter Diener, Ernazar Abdikamalov, Ian Hawke, and Adam Burrows.
Dynamics and gravitational wave
signature of collapsar formation.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 106:161103, 2011.
- Christian Reisswig,
Christian D. Ott, Ulrich Sperhake, and Erik Schnetter.
Gravitational wave extraction in
simulations of rotating stellar core collapse.
Phys. Rev. D, 83:064008, 2011.
- Oleg Korobkin, Ernazar B.
Abdikamalov, Erik Schnetter, Nikolaos Stergioulas, and Burkhard Zink.
Stability of general-relativistic
accretion disks.
Phys. Rev. D, 83:043007, 2011.
- Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale,
Frank Löffler, David Rideout, Erik Schnetter, and Eric L. Seidel.
Component specification in the
Cactus framework: The Cactus configuration language, 2010.
- Michael W. Thomas and Erik
Simulation factory: Taming application
configuration and workflow on high-end resources, 2010.
- Eric L. Seidel, Gabrielle Allen,
Steven Brandt, Frank Löffler, and Erik Schnetter.
Simplifying complex software assembly:
The component retrieval language and implementation.
In Proceedings of the 2010 TeraGrid Conference. ACM New York, NY,
USA, 2010.
- Alex B. Nielsen, Michael
Jasiulek, Badri Krishnan, and Erik Schnetter.
The slicing dependence of
non-spherically symmetric quasi-local horizons in Vaidya spacetimes.
Phys. Rev. D, 83:124022, 2011.
- Andrei Hutanu, Erik Schnetter,
Werner Benger, Eloisa Bentivegna, Alex Clary, Peter Diener, Jinghua Ge,
Robert Kooima, Oleg Korobkin, Kexi Liu, Frank Löffler, Ravi Paruchuri,
Jian Tao, Cornelius Toole, Adam Yates, and Gabrielle Allen.
Large scale
problem solving using automatic code generation and distributed
In Ewa Deelman, Norbert Meyer, Dana Petcu, and Marcin Paprzycki, editors,
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience; Scientific International
Journal for Parallel and Distributed Computing; Special Issue: Grid and Cloud
Computing and their Application, volume 11, page 205–220, 2010.
- Burkhard Zink, Oleg Korobkin, Erik
Schnetter, and Nikolaos Stergioulas.
On the frequency band of the f-mode
CFS instability.
Phys. Rev. D, 81:084055, 2010.
- Erik Schnetter.
Time step size limitation introduced
by the BSSN Gamma driver.
Class. Quantum Grav., 27:167001, 2010.
- Soon-Heum Ko, Prasad Kalghatgi, Erik
Schnetter, Sumanta Acharya, Gabrielle Allen, Shantenu Jha, and Mayank Tyagi.
of the Cactus CFD Toolkit and its utilisation on large-scale
multi-block simulations.
In J. C. F. Pereira, A. Sequeira, and J. M. C. Pereira, editors,
Proceedings of the V European Conference on Computational Fluid
Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010, 2010.
- Werner Benger, Andrew Hamilton,
Mike Folk, Quincey Koziol, Simon Su, Erik Schnetter, Marcel Ritter, and Georg
Using geometric algebra for navigation
in Riemannian and hard disc space.
In Vaclav Skala and Dietmar Hildebrand, editors, GraVisMa 2009 –
Computer Graphics, Vision and Mathematics for Scientific Computing.
UNION Agency, Na Mazinach 9, CZ 322 00 Plzen, Czech Republic, 2010.
- Denis Pollney, Christian
Reisswig, Erik Schnetter, Nils Dorband, and Peter Diener.
High accuracy binary black hole
simulations with an extended wave zone.
Phys. Rev. D, 83:044045, 2011.
- Denis Pollney, Christian
Reisswig, Nils Dorband, Erik Schnetter, and Peter Diener.
The asymptotic falloff of local
waveform measurements in numerical relativity.
Phys. Rev. D, 80:121502(R), 2009.
- Eloisa Bentivegna, Gabrielle
Allen, Oleg Korobkin, and Erik Schnetter.
Ensuring correctness at the
application level: A software framework approach.
Accepted for CBHPC (Component Based High Performance Computing) 2009,
- Gabrielle Allen, Frank
Löffler, Thomas Radke, Erik Schnetter, and Edward Seidel.
Integrating Web 2.0 technologies with scientific simulation codes for
real-time collaboration.
Accepted for Research3 Workshop at the Cluster 2009 conference in New Orleans,
LA, 2009.
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- Frank Löffler, Jian Tao,
Gabrielle Allen, and Erik Schnetter.
Benchmarking parallel I/O performance for a large scale scientific
application on the TeraGrid.
Accepted for the second International Conference on High Performance Computing
and Applications (HPCA2009), Shanghai, China, 2009.
- Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter,
Adam Burrows, Eli Livne, Evan O'Connor, and Frank Löffler.
Computational models of stellar
collapse and core-collapse supernovae.
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 180:012022, 2009.
- Steven Brandt, Gabrielle Allen,
Matthew Eastman, Matthew Kemp, and Erik Schnetter.
Dynamic deployment of a component framework with the Ubiqis system.
Accepted for ICADIWT 2009, 2009.
- Jian Tao, Gabrielle Allen, Peter
Diener, Frank Löffler, Roland Haas, Ian Hinder, Erik Schnetter, and Yosef
Towards a highly efficient and scalable infrastructure for numerical relativity
Accepted for TeraGrid 2009, 2009.
- Benjamin Aylott et al.
Status of NINJA: the Numerical
INJection Analysis project.
Class. Quantum Grav., 26:114008, 2009.
- Benjamin Aylott et al.
Testing gravitational-wave searches
with numerical relativity waveforms: Results from the first Numerical
INJection Analysis (NINJA) project.
Class. Quantum Grav., 26:165008, 2009.
- David Brown, Peter Diener, Olivier
Sarbach, Erik Schnetter, and Manuel Tiglio.
Turduckening black holes: an
analytical and computational study.
Phys. Rev. D, 79:044023, 2009.
- Erik Schnetter.
Multi-physics coupling of Einstein and hydrodynamics evolution: A case study
of the Einstein Toolkit.
CBHPC 2008 (Component-Based High Performance Computing), 2008.
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- Erik Schnetter, Christian D.
Ott, Peter Diener, and Christian Reisswig.
Astrophysical applications of numerical relativity — from Teragrid to
The 3rd annual TeraGrid Conference, TeraGrid '08, 2008.
(PDF, 875337 bytes)
- Burkhard Zink, Erik Schnetter, and
Manuel Tiglio.
Multi-patch methods in general
relativistic astrophysics – I. Hydrodynamical flows on fixed
Phys. Rev. D, 77:103015, 2008.
- Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter,
Gabrielle Allen, Edward Seidel, Jian Tao, and Burkhard Zink.
A case study for petascale
applications in astrophysics: Simulating Gamma-Ray Bursts.
In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Mardi Gras conference: From lightweight
mash-ups to lambda grids: Understanding the spectrum of distributed computing
requirements, applications, tools, infrastructures, interoperability, and the
incremental adoption of key capabilities, number 18 in ACM
International Conference Proceeding Series, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2008.
(PDF, 886158 bytes)
- Luciano Rezzolla, Peter Diener,
Ernst Nils Dorband, Denis Pollney, Christian Reisswig, Erik Schnetter, and
Jennifer Seiler.
The final spin from the coalescence of
aligned-spin black-hole binaries.
Astrophys. J. Lett., 674:L29–L32, 2008.
- Maria C. Babiuc, Sascha Husa, Ian
Hinder, Christiane Lechner, Erik Schnetter, Béla Szilágyi, Yosef
Zlochower, Nils Dorband, Denis Pollney, and Jeff Winicour.
Implementation of standard testbeds
for numerical relativity.
Class. Quantum Grav., 25:125012, 2008.
- Denis Pollney, Christian
Reisswig, Luciano Rezzolla, Béla Szilágyi, Marcus Ansorg, Barrett
Deris, Peter Diener, Ernst Nils Dorband, Michael Koppitz, Alessandro Nagar,
and Erik Schnetter.
Recoil velocities from equal-mass
binary black-hole mergers: a systematic investigation of spin-orbit aligned
Phys. Rev. D, 76:124002, 2007.
- Luciano Rezzolla, Ernst Nils
Dorband, Christian Reisswig, Peter Diener, Denis Pollney, Erik Schnetter, and
Béla Szilágyi.
Spin diagrams for equal-mass
black-hole binaries with aligned spins.
Astrophys. J., 679:1422–1426, 2008.
- David Brown, Olivier Sarbach, Erik
Schnetter, Manuel Tiglio, Peter Diener, Ian Hawke, and Denis Pollney.
Excision without excision.
Phys. Rev. D, 76:081503(R), 2007.
- Dylan Stark, Gabrielle Allen, Tom
Goodale, Thomas Radke, and Erik Schnetter.
An extensible timing infrastructure
for adaptive large-scale applications.
In Roman Wyrzykowski, Jack Dongarra, Konrad Karczewski, and Jerzy Wasniewski,
editors, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM), 2007,
Gdańsk, Poland, volume 4967 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), pages 1170–1179. Springer, 2008.
- Jonathan Thornburg, Peter
Diener, Denis Pollney, Luciano Rezzolla, Erik Schnetter, Edward Seidel, and
Ryoji Takahashi.
Are moving punctures equivalent to
moving black holes?.
Class. Quantum Grav., 24:3911–3918, 2007.
- Michael Koppitz, Denis Pollney,
Christian Reisswig, Luciano Rezzolla, Jonathan Thornburg, Peter Diener, and
Erik Schnetter.
Recoil velocities from equal-mass
binary-black-hole mergers.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:041102, 2007.
- Enrique Pazos, Ernst Nils Dorband,
Alessandro Nagar, Carlos Palenzuela, Erik Schnetter, and Manuel Tiglio.
How far away is far enough for
extracting numerical waveforms, and how much do they depend on the extraction
Class. Quantum Grav., 24:S341–S368, 2007.
- Christian D. Ott, Harald
Dimmelmeier, Andreas Marek, Hans-Thomas Janka, Burkhard Zink, Ian Hawke, and
Erik Schnetter.
Rotating collapse of stellar
iron cores in general relativity.
Class. Quantum Grav., 24:S139–S154, 2007.
- Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos
Stergioulas, Ian Hawke, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, and Ewald
Non-axisymmetric instability
and fragmentation of general relativistic quasitoroidal stars.
Phys. Rev. D, 76:024019, 2007.
- Christian D. Ott, Harald
Dimmelmeier, Andreas Marek, Hans-Thomas Janka, Ian Hawke, Burkhard Zink, and
Erik Schnetter.
3D collapse of rotating
stellar iron cores in general relativity including deleptonization and a
nuclear equation of state.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:261101, 2007.
- Ernst Nils Dorband, Emanuele
Berti, Peter Diener, Erik Schnetter, and Manuel Tiglio.
A numerical study of the
quasinormal mode excitation of Kerr black holes.
Phys. Rev. D, 74:084028, 2006.
- Erik Schnetter, Badri
Krishnan, and Florian Beyer.
Introduction to dynamical horizons
in numerical relativity.
Phys. Rev. D, 74:024028, 2006.
- Erik Schnetter, Peter Diener,
Ernst Nils Dorband, and Manuel Tiglio.
A multi-block infrastructure for
three-dimensional time-dependent numerical relativity.
Class. Quantum Grav., 23:S553–S578, 2006.
- Peter Diener, Ernst Nils Dorband,
Erik Schnetter, and Manuel Tiglio.
Optimized high-order derivative
and dissipation operators satisfying summation by parts, and applications in
three-dimensional multi-block evolutions.
J. Sci. Comput., 32:109–145, 2007.
- Peter Diener, Frank Herrmann,
Denis Pollney, Erik Schnetter, Edward Seidel, Ryoji Takahashi, Jonathan
Thornburg, and Jason Ventrella.
Accurate evolution of orbiting
binary black holes.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 96:121101, 2006.
- Erik Schnetter and Badri
Non-symmetric trapped surfaces in
the Schwarzschild and Vaidya spacetimes.
Phys. Rev. D, 73:021502(R), 2006.
- Ulrich Sperhake, Bernard Kelly,
Pablo Laguna, Kenneth L. Smith, and Erik Schnetter.
Black hole head-on collisions and
gravitational waves with fixed mesh-refinement and dynamic singularity
Phys. Rev. D, 71:124042, 2005.
- Edwin Evans, Sai Iyer, Erik
Schnetter, Wai-Mo Suen, Jian Tao, Randy Wolfmeyer, and Hui-Min Zhang.
Computational relativistic
astrophysics with adaptive mesh refinement: Testbeds.
Phys. Rev. D, 71:081301(R), 2005.
- Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos
Stergioulas, Ian Hawke, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, and Ewald
Black hole formation through
fragmentation of toroidal polytropes.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 96:161101, 2006.
- Erik Schnetter, Frank
Herrmann, and Denis Pollney.
Horizon pretracking.
Phys. Rev. D, 71:044033, 2005.
- Luca Baiotti, Ian Hawke, Luciano
Rezzolla, and Erik Schnetter.
Gravitational-wave emission from
rotating gravitational collapse in three dimensions.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94:131101, 2005.
- Erik Schnetter, Scott H.
Hawley, and Ian Hawke.
Evolutions in 3D numerical
relativity using fixed mesh refinement.
Class. Quantum Grav., 21:1465–1488, 2004.
- Erik Schnetter.
Finding apparent horizons and
other two-surfaces of constant expansion.
Class. Quantum Grav., 20:4719–4737, 2003.
- Miguel Alcubierre et al.
Toward standard testbeds for
numerical relativity.
Class. Quantum Grav., 21:589–613, 2004.
- Deirdre Shoemaker, Kenneth
Smith, Ulrich Sperhake, Pablo Laguna, Erik Schnetter, and David R. Fiske.
Moving black holes via singularity
Class. Quantum Grav., 20:3729–3744, 2003.
- Olaf Dreyer, Badri Krishnan, Erik
Schnetter, and Deirdre Shoemaker.
Introduction to isolated horizons
in numerical relativity.
Phys. Rev. D, 67:024018, 2003.
- Bernard Kelly, Pablo Laguna, Keith
Lockitch, Jorge Pullin, Erik Schnetter, Deirdre Shoemaker, and Manuel Tiglio.
A cure for unstable numerical
evolutions of single black holes: adjusting the standard ADM equations.
Phys. Rev. D, 64:084013, 2001.
- Steve Brandt, Randall Correll,
Roberto Gomez, Mijan Huq, Pablo Laguna, Luis Lehner, Pedro Marronetti,
Richard A. Matzner, David Neilsen, Jorge Pullin, Erik Schnetter, Deirdre
Shoemaker, and Jeffrey Winicour.
Grazing collisions of black holes
via the excision of singularities.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 85:5496–5499, 2000.
- Ilias S. Kotsireas, Lilia
Krivodonova, Sabine McConnell, and Erik Schnetter, editors.
High performance computing theory and applications – Proceedings of
SHARCNET Research Day 2012 (Guelph, Ontario), volume 5, 2012.
- Leonid Oliker, Jonathan Carter,
Vincent Beckner, John Bell, Harvey Wasserman, Mark Adams, Stéphane
Ethier, and Erik Schnetter.
numerical simulations on high-end computational platforms.
In David H. Bailey, Robert F. Lucas, and Samuel W. Williams, editors,
Performance Tuning of Scientific Applications, chapter 6.
Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science Series, 2011.
- Erik Schnetter, Christian D.
Ott, Gabrielle Allen, Peter Diener, Tom Goodale, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel,
and John Shalf.
Cactus Framework: Black holes to
gamma ray bursts.
In David A. Bader, editor, Petascale Computing: Algorithms and
Applications, chapter 24. Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science
Series, 2008.
- Erik Schnetter.
fixing for the simulation of black hole spacetimes.
PhD thesis, Universität Tübingen, 2003.
- Erik Schnetter.
Untersuchungen zur Implementierung von Strahlungstransport im
SPH-Formalismus (engl.: Investigations towards implementing
radiative transport in the SPH formalism).
Diplomarbeit (in German), Fakultät für Physik, Universität
Tübingen, 1998.
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- Peter Lunts, Subhro Bhattacharjee,
Jonah Miller, Erik Schnetter, Yong Baek Kim, and Sung-Sik Lee.
Ab initio holography.
Technical report, 2015.
arXiv:1503.06474 [hep-th].
- Erik Schnetter, Marek
Blazewicz, Steven R. Brandt, David M. Koppelman, and Frank Löffler.
Chemora: A PDE solving framework for
modern HPC architectures.
Technical report, 2014.
arXiv:1410.1764 [cs.MS].
- Ernazar Abdikamalov,
Christian D. Ott, Davic Radice, Luke F. Roberts, Roland Haas, Christian
Reisswig, Philip Moesta, Hannah Klion, and Erik Schnetter.
Neutrino-driven turbulent convection
and standing accretion shock instability in three-dimensional core-collapse
Technical report, 2014.
arXiv:1409.7078 [astro-ph.HE].
- Frank Löffler, Steven R.
Brandt, Gabrielle Allen, and Erik Schnetter.
Cactus: issues for sustainable
simulation software.
In WSSSPE: Working towards Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and
Experiences, 2013.
arXiv:1309.1812 [cs.CE].
- Erik Schnetter.
Performance and optimization
abstractions for large scale heterogeneous systems in the Cactus/Chemora
Technical report, 2013.
arXiv:1308.1343 [cs.DC].
- Christian D. Ott, Ernazar
Abdikamalov, Sarah Gossan, Hannah Klion, Roland Haas, Philipp Moesta,
Christian Reisswig, Uschi C. T. Gamma, Evan O'Connor, and Erik Schnetter.
The gravitational-wave signature of core-collapse supernovae.
In American Physical Society, APS April Meeting 2013, April 13-16,
2013, 2013.
- Philipp Mösta, Bruno Mundim,
Joshua Faber, Scott Noble, Tanja Bode, Roland Haas, Frank Löffler,
Christian D. Ott, Christian Reisswig, and Erik Schnetter.
General relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics with the Einstein Toolkit.
In American Physical Society, APS April Meeting 2013, April 13-16,
2013, 2013.
- Ernazar Abdikamalov,
Christian D. Ott, Philipp Mösta, Roland Haas, Steve Drasco, Evan
O'Connor, Christian Reisswig, Casey Meakin, and Erik Schnetter.
Three-dimensional general relativistic simulations of core-collapse supernovae.
In American Physical Society, APS April Meeting 2013, April 13-16,
2013, 2013.
- Ernazar Abdikamalov,
Christian D. Ott, Evan O'Connor, Christian Reisswig, Peter Kalmus, Frank
Löffler, Adam Burrows, Steve Drasco, and Erik Schnetter.
Gravitational wave and neutrino signals from rotating general-relativistic
stellar collapse.
In American Physical Society, APS April Meeting 2012, March 31-Apr 3,
2012, 2012.
- David Brown, Peter Diener, Scott
Field, Jan Hesthaven, Frank Herrmann, Abdul Mroué, Olivier Sarbach, Erik
Schnetter, Manuel Tiglio, and Michael Wagman.
Numerical simulations with a first order BSSN formulation of Einstein's
field equations.
In American Physical Society, APS April Meeting 2012, March 31-Apr 3,
2012, 2012.
- Ernazar Abdikamalov, Adam
Burrows, Frank Löffler, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, and Evan
A new Monte Carlo method for velocity-dependent neutrino and photon
In American Physical Society, APS April Meeting 2012, March 31-Apr 3,
2012, 2012.
- Christian D. Ott, Evan O'Connor,
F. Peng, Christian Reisswig, Ulrich Sperhake, Erik Schnetter, Ernazar
Abdikamalov, Peter Diener, Frank Löffler, Ian Hawke, Casey A. Meakin, and
Adam Burrows.
New open-source approaches to the modeling of stellar collapse and the
formation of black holes.
In Astrophysics Space Sci., volume 336, pages 151–156. Springer,
HEDLA2010: 8th International Conference on High Energy Density Laborarory
Astrophysics, March 15-18, 2010.
- Andrei Hutanu, Erik Schnetter,
Werner Benger, Eloisa Bentivegna, Alex Clary, Peter Diener, Jinghua Ge,
Robert Kooima, Oleg Korobkin, Kexi Liu, Frank Löffler, Ravi Paruchuri,
Jian Tao, Cornelius Toole, Adam Yates, and Gabrielle Allen.
Large-scale problem
solving using automatic code generation and distributed visualization.
Technical Report CCT-TR-2009-11, Louisiana State University, 2009.
- Eloisa Bentivegna and Erik
surfaces for finite-distance angular momentum estimates in numerical
In Thibault Damour, Robert T. Jantzen, and Remo Ruffini, editors,
Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General
Relativity, page 749. Singapore: World Scientific, 2012.
- Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos
Stergioulas, Oleg Korobkin, Erik Schnetter, Peter Diener, and Manuel Tiglio.
Frequencies of nonaxisymmetric F-modes in rapidly rotating polytropes in full
general relativity.
In Thibault Damour, Robert T. Jantzen, and Remo Ruffini, editors,
Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General
Relativity, page 807. Singapore: World Scientific, 2012.
- Gabrielle Allen and Erik
The Cactus framework:
Software sustainability position paper.
Technical Report CCT-TR-2009-5, Louisiana State University, 2009.
- Erik Schnetter and Steven R.
Relativistic astrophysics
on the SiCortex architecture.
Technical Report CCT-TR-2009-4, Louisiana State University, 2009.
- CIGR Collaboration.
Community infrastructure
for general relativistic MHD.
Technical Report CCT-TR-2008-6, Louisiana State University, 2008.
- Jian Tao, Gabrielle Allen, Ian
Hinder, Erik Schnetter, and Yosef Zlochower.
XiRel: Standard
benchmarks for numerical relativity codes using Cactus and Carpet.
Technical Report CCT-TR-2008-5, Louisiana State University, 2008.
- Erik Schnetter, Gabrielle
Allen, Tom Goodale, and Mayank Tyagi.
Alpaca: Cactus tools
for application level performance and correctness analysis.
Technical Report CCT-TR-2008-2, Louisiana State University, 2008.
- John Shalf, Erik Schnetter,
Gabrielle Allen, and Edward Seidel.
Cactus as benchmarking
Technical Report CCT-TR-2006-3, Louisiana State University, 2007.
- Gabrielle Allen, Elena Caraba, Tom
Goodale, Yaakoub El Khamra, and Erik Schnetter.
A scientific application benchmark using the
Cactus Framework.
Technical report, Center for Computation & Technology, April 2007.
(PDF, 539894 bytes)
- Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos
Stergioulas, Ian Hawke, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, and Ewald
Fragmentation of general relativistic
quasi-toroidal polytropes.
In Proceedings of the 11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG11) in Berlin,
Germany, July 23-29, 2006, 2007 (submitted).
- Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos
Stergioulas, Ian Hawke, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, and Ewald
Rotational instabilities in supermassive stars: a new way to form supermassive
black holes.
In N. K. Spyrou, N. Stergioulas, and C. Tsagas, editors, International
Scientific Workshop on Cosmology and Gravitational Physics, Thessaloniki,
December 15-16, 2005, pages 155–160, Thessaloniki, 2006. ZITI.
- Frank Ott and Erik Schnetter.
A modified SPH approach for
fluids with large density differences, 2003.
- Erik Schnetter.
A fast apparent horizon
algorithm, 2002.
- Erik Schnetter.
The Maya project: Simulations of binary black hole systems.
In The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting. On Recent Developments in
Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic
Field Theories. Proceedings of the MG9 Meeting, volume 3, pages
1741–1742. World Scientific, 2001.
- Erik Schnetter, Stefan Kunze,
and Roland Speith.
Fluid jet simulations using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics.
In E. Krause and W. Jäger, editors, High Performance Computing in
Science and Engineering 2000, pages 99–113. Springer, 2001.
(PDF, 26906254 bytes)
- Roland Speith, Erik Schnetter,
Stefan Kunze, and Harald Riffert.
Distributed implementation of SPH for simulations of accretion disks.
In R. Esser, P. Grassberger, J. Grotendorst, and M. Lewerenz, editors,
Molecular Dynamics on Parallel Computers, pages 276–285. World
Scientific, 2000.
Proceedings of the Workshop at the John von Neumann-Institut for Computing
(NIC), Research Centre Jülich, 8 - 10 February 1999.
(PDF, 4205915 bytes)
- Stefan Kunze, Erik Schnetter, and
Roland Speith.
Applications of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method: The need for
In D. Keyes, A. Ecer, J. Periaux, N. Satofuka, and P. Fox, editors,
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Towards Teraflops, Optimization
and Novel Formulations. Proceedings of PARCFD99, the Parallel CFD'99
Conference, pages 289–295. Elsevier, 2000.
(PDF, 7979052 bytes)
- Stefan Kunze, Erik Schnetter, and
Roland Speith.
Development and astrophysical applications of a parallel smoothed particle
hydrodynamics code with MPI.
In E. Krause and W. Jäger, editors, High Performance Computing in
Science and Engineering '99, pages 52–61. Springer, 2000.
(PDF, 9101429 bytes)
- Erik Schnetter.
Chemora: A
scalable PDE solving framework for modern HPC architectures.
Invited talk given at APS April meeting in 2014 in Savannah, GA, USA, April
- Erik Schnetter.
considerations for computing in astrophysics.
Podcast interview by Nicole Hemsoth for HPCwire Soundbites, February 2014.
- Erik Schnetter.
Adaptive mesh refinement: Current state
in Cactus, and future possibilities.
Invited talk given at SIMAC3 conference in Boston, MA, USA, November 2013.
- Erik Schnetter.
High performance computing in relativistic astrophysics.
Invited talk given at Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of
Waterloo, ON, Canada, February 2013.
- Erik Schnetter.
High performance computational relativistic astrophysics.
Invited talk given at Department of Physics, University of Guelph, ON, Canada,
October 2012.
- Erik Schnetter.
Einstein Toolkit and its community.
Invited Talk given at Numerical Cosmology conference in Cambridge, UK, July
- Erik Schnetter.
The Einstein Toolkit: From black holes to gamma-ray bursts.
Invited Talk given at University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa,
ON, Canada, Marcy 2012.
- Erik Schnetter.
pocl: Portable computing
Talk given in LLVM BoF session at SC2013 in Denver, CO, USA, November
- Erik Schnetter.
Performance and
optimization abstractions for large scale heterogeneous systems in the
Cactus/Chemora framework.
Talk given at XSCALE 2013 conference in Boulder, CO, USA, August 2013.
- Erik Schnetter.
methods in numerical relativity.
Talk given at AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting in Rochester, NY, USA,
September 2012.
- Erik Schnetter.
From physics model to
results: An optimizing framework for cross-architecture code generation.
Talk given at Sharcnet Research Day in Guelph, ON, Canada, May 2012.