Daniel Gottesman
Work/Research Experience
- College
- Summer 1989: Performed theoretical study of chaos at
University of Maryland with
Professor Sankar Das Sarma.
- Summer 1990: Worked on applications of a construction in category
theory at
National Institutes of Health with
George Hutchinson.
- Summer 1991: Worked on theoretical analysis of laser slowing
and cooling of neutral atoms using the Sisyphus effect with Professor
Mara Prentiss.
- Graduate School
- July 1993: Guide at XXIV International Physics Olympiad in
Williamsburg, VA, USA.
- 1993-1995: Half time Teaching Assistant for Ph 129 (Mathematical Methods
of Physics) at Caltech.
- 1995-1996: Teaching Assistant for Ph 236 (General Relativity) at Caltech.
- 1996-1997: Research Assistant in
quantum computation at Caltech.
- Postdoctoral
- Sep. 2002 - present:
Research Scientist at
Perimeter Institute,
Waterloo, Ontario.
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