Quantum Error Correction
Instructor: Daniel Gottesman
([email protected], 519-569-7600x8581)
Location: Perimeter Institute, Bob room (405)
Time: Tuesdays 3:30 - 6:30
Term: Winter 2007
Office Hours: Perimeter Institute 458, Monday 3-4 PM,
Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30 PM
Course web page:
The class is now complete. Recordings of all of the lectures are available on the
PI website.
The class was cross-listed for credit in the UW Physics and C&O
departments as CO 781 and PHYS 773.
Course Material
- Lecture 1 (January 9, 2007):
- Lecture 1A
Administrative introduction, quantum
operations, examples of quantum channels, quantum code correcting bit
flip errors, quantum code correcting phase errors
- Lecture 1B
9-qubit Shor code, definition of
a quantum error-correcting code, correcting linear combinations of
errors, quantum error correction conditions, definition of distance
- Problem set 1: PDF (65K),
PS (112K)
- Solution set 1: PDF (78K),
PS (139K)
- Lecture 2 (January 16, 2007):
- Lecture 2A
stabilizer codes (definition of stabilizer,
basic properties of stabilizer, binary vector representation of
- Lecture 2B
5-qubit code, logical Pauli group for
stabilizer codes, classical linear codes (generator and parity check
matrices, Hamming codes), CSS codes (definition, 7-qubit code)
- Problem set 2: PDF (53K),
PS (92K)
- Solution set 2: PDF (71K),
PS (124K)
- Introduction to group theory:
PDF (96K)
- Lecture 3 (January 23, 2007):
- Lecture 3A
Finite field GF(4), stabilizer codes
as GF(4) codes, perfect quantum codes, definition of Clifford group,
sample elements of Clifford group
- Lecture 3B
Clifford group as symplectic group,
generators of the Clifford group & encoding circuits for stabilizer
codes, efficient simulation of Clifford group circuits, efficient
simulation of Pauli measurements
- Problem set 3: PDF (56K),
PS (96K)
- Solution set 3: PDF (79K),
PS (138K)
- Lecture 4 (January 30, 2007): Guest lectures
- Lecture 4A
Raymond Laflamme, on experimental quantum error correction
- Lecture 4B
Robert Raussendorf, on graph states
- Lecture 5 (February 6, 2007):
- Lecture 5A
Generators of symplectic group, quantum Gilbert-Varshamov bound,
quantum Hamming bound, quantum Singleton bound
- Lecture 5B
Weight enumerators, quantum MacWilliams identity, quantum shadow
enumerator, higher-dimensional Pauli group, stabilizer codes for
- Problem set 4: PDF (38K),
PS (69K)
- Solution set 4: PDF (61K),
PS (107K)
- Lecture 6 (February 13, 2007):
- Lecture 6A
Examples of qudit stabilizer codes, polynomial codes, Clifford
group for qudits, introduction to fault-tolerance, definition of
transversal gates, definition of fault-tolerant gates
- Lecture 6B
Transversal Pauli group, transversal Clifford group for 7-qubit
code, transversal gates for 5-qubit code, overview of
fault-tolerant protocols.
- Problem set 5: PDF (45K),
PS (79K)
- Solution set 5: PDF (74K),
PS (129K)
- Lecture 7 (February 20, 2007):
- Lecture 7A
Definition of fault tolerance, Shor error correction,
fault-tolerant measurement for stabilizer and CSS codes.
- Lecture 7B
Fault-tolerant stabilizer state preparation, Steane error
correction, universal fault-tolerant set of gates through
gate teleportation, magic state distillation.
- Problem set 6: PDF (45K),
PS (79K)
- Solution set 6: PDF (65K),
PS (111K)
- Lecture 8 (February 27, 2007):
- Lecture 8A
Assumptions for fault tolerance, extended rectangles,
good, bad, and correct rectangles.
- Lecture 8B
Equivalence of fault-tolerant circuit to less noisy
unencoded circuits, threshold theorem, calculation of the
- Problem set 7: PDF (45K),
PS (80K)
- Solution set 7: PDF (78K),
PDF (135K)
- Lecture 9 (March 6, 2007):
- Lecture 9A
Circuit assumptions for fault tolerance re-examined
(other universal gate sets, local gates, fresh
ancillas, no measurements, parallelism)
- Lecture 9B
Error assumptions for fault tolerance re-examined
(Other error models, correlated errors, leakage errors,
coherent and non-Markovian errors)
- Problem set 8: PDF (56K),
PS (98K)
- Solution set 8: PDF (72K),
PS (128K)
- Lecture 10 (March 13, 2007):
- Lecture 10A
One- and two-way entanglement distillation protocols,
twirling, stabilizer EDPs, definition of quantum channel
- Lecture 10B
One- and two-way quantum capacities for the erasure channel,
upper and lower bounds on the quantum capacities for the
depolarizing channel, coherent information
- Problem set 9: PDF (56K),
PS (97K)
- Solution set 9: PDF (84K),
PS (143K)
- Lecture 11 (March 20, 2007):
- Lecture 11A
Toric code (definition, fault-tolerance, particle model of
errors), definition of qudit toric code
- Lecture 11B
Behavior of particles in qudit toric code, braid group, basic
idea of fault tolerance with non-Abelian anyons
- Lecture 12 (March 27, 2007):
- Lecture 12A
Non-Abelian anyons (charges, fusion rules, F and R matrices,
pentagon and hexagon equations), Fibonacci anyons
- Lecture 12B
Universality of Fibonacci anyons, operator quantum error
correction, Bacon-Shor codes
- Class evaluation form:
Word (28K)
Students are encouraged to take the course on a credit/no credit basis.
- 2/3 of grade: Problem sets
- 1/3 of grade: Final paper
Late problem sets will be accepted for half credit, assuming they do
not just copy the solution set.
The final paper required the student to read 2-3 research papers
on a topic related to the subject of the course and write a paper presenting
the results of the research papers. The students then had to give short
presentations on the subjects of their papers on the last day of
The student presentations for the final project took place on
April 3, 2007. They were not recorded.
A similar class was given in Winter 2004.